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Clan mod

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  • #16
    Yes, that's the intention of the mod... to allow everyone to have the same weapons and tools (unlocks), and to limit them down to a reasonable level. This has been done together with the many clans playing Clan Mod and I'd say most players are happy with the weapons and tools that are in the mod right now. The Clan Mod is not a mod for the unlock crazy guy. We've handpicked the unlocks that fit clan wars best.


    • #17
      So it's all first tiers plus sprint?


      • #18
        Originally posted by crosland View Post
        clanmod is just first unlocks so scar11 and kyrlov alot better than promob which is crap i think




        • #19
          it's the same weapons and tools as in first tiers, I think, yes. I don't personally ever play 1 tier unlocks tho, so there might be some exception. In the Clan Mod you spawn with the weapons and tools directly, no need to customize your kit or likewise. If you are asking about game play and kits only, then well yeah that's about it except for smaller changes such as bug fixes in the 2142 code and details such as improved knife (since the knife in 2142 is pretty bugged and often makes a flesh sound without actually hurting the enemy).

          But as I said there's really a lot more to the mod than just that - I belive that the reason the mod is so popular is the mix between good kit layouts, the Chat Administration Script and the Flag by Flag game mode.

          n00bs4brkfst: That's what I thought in the beginning but the Scar can be very dangerous when you've played it for a while. This brings my thoughts back to M16 vs AK101 in BF2.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Wizrdwarts View Post
            Really? I thought promod had Scar 11 and Voss for EU and Krylov and Baur for PAC.

            Reread what I said.

            It's incredibly balanced.

            The krylov is only slightly better than voss.

            Clan mod pros:
            Headshot message
            Knife fixed.

            Pac weapons > Eu weapons
            No rockets (what's with that??)
            No MM's for engie.


            • #21
              Originally posted by n00bs4brkfst

              Pac weapons > Eu weapons

              No rockets (what's with that??)

              No MM's for engie.
              Scar's deadly singlefire & upclose you've got the herzog Plus you can grab a Pac kit easily enough

              1st tier unlocks only & anyway rockets are overpowered - emphasis is on gunfights in clanmod. Aim & positioning are prob most important attributes

              It's really geared for infantry only combat

              The only thing that bugs me is the lack of sprint


              • #22
                Rockets overpowered????

                Rockets as vital to a soldier as his firearm.

                Rocket AIM is important as well.(If rockets are so "easy" to use try killing people with them in a match, especially some of the greater teams, such as TG-7th and Team Hot.)

                Positioning??? That should be based on how easily rockets are avoidable from a given spot.

                Rockets can effectively block off key positions, and make chokepoints actually look like chokepoints.

                Herzog is WAY too situational if you ask me, and you will get thoroughly owned if 2 people rushs you.

                For matches you definitely need to use the pro mod, 'cus any other mod is like throwing stones at each other.

                Clan mod is kinda fun for pubbies, but I like vanilla pubbies a whole lot better.


                • #23
                  So if I install clanmod can I still play vanilla 2142?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BallaAce
                    So if I install clanmod can I still play vanilla 2142?


                    • #25
                      This clan mod seems similar to the way we play wars over here in Aus. Expect that we keep to Tier 2 instead. so improved med kits, zoom on sniper rifles etc. +FF is active on all deployables. I personally think Tier two is better because you don't get any spam weapons, but you do get better teamwork unlocks.


                      • #26
                        We play clanmod in esl and full-unlock in enemydown. The difference is like night and day in matchplay

                        A typical match in full unlock goes something like;
                        1. Support deploy ids and ammo hub
                        2. Assault proceed to rain hell with rockets

                        Bit of an exageration but basically the rocket spam can get ridiculous. Worst of all they totally eliminate the use of cover.


                        • #27
                          Yeah tier 2 would be nice, snipers are pretty sucky without the zoom unlock, and it has all the teamwork unlocks. Tier 3 and above is unneeded imo for clan matches.


                          • #28
                            Timmmmmy: Actually the Clan Mod does feature improved sprint, med packs, improved repair ability etc (possible vehicle -> vehicle) - actually all the things you mentioned except the sniper stabilizer, which I really don't see any need for - a skilled sniper can be VERY successfull even without it. So no reason for you guys not to use Clan Mod

                            As goes for the rocket discussion I agree to the rest - I couldn't imagine having those in official clan wars, they are definitely weapons for public only. I've seen an American 2142 match and to me it looked more like a common public round than a match tbh.


                            • #29
                              There wasn't the upgraded 4x scope when I tried it though.

