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help with verifying my knowledge...

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  • help with verifying my knowledge...

    Ok, everyone...if you all must call me a noob, do it after you help me. I was just wondering if once I download and unzip the file for all of the files in the unzipped folder need to be placed in the cstrike folder in the whole program files directory? For instance, I unzipped a folder for shotguns that had more than one model...Do I put each .mdl file in the model folder? I was just confused about that...also, skins that are for cs source will not work for condition zero right? It's more-less a common sense question, but I figured I'd ask anyways. Thanks!

    Ok, now feel free to call me a noob, if you must... lol
    I'm not exactly used to the whole skin thing.

  • #2
    No, source stuff doesn't work with cz/cs1.6.
    As for skin installation, there's a sticky or a FAQ showing how you do it for cs1.6/cz. As for source, no idea.


    • #3
      alright, so I got everything right. I put the skins into the models folder and I put the sounds in the right folder...but it still doesn't have any effect in the game...Could this happen if my CS is not updated the whole way? and I am using CZ too...I just don't know what to do.


      • #4
        Look [link=""]here[/link]. Go to post nº4.
        CZ works the same way.

