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  • Supermedics

    As you may or may not have heard, Dice has decided to use 4 classes in BF3 and the rumors are that they will be the same classes as in Bad Company 2. Now i'm fine with that idea apart from one small problem, the medics. The idea of having what is essentially a noncombatant running around with the biggest gun a soldier can have is more than a little irking to me. I mean, the whole point of being a medic is to HEAL your teamates, not to light mofos up with your big shiny hand held cannon. I realize that the game is in a VERY early stage of development and that everything is liable to change, but i'm just curious as to how many people thing the same way as me.

    So what say you? Yay or nay to LMG medics?

  • #2
    Re: Supermedics

    Originally posted by Arid
    As you may or may not have heard, Dice has decided to use 4 classes in BF3 and the rumors are that they will be the same classes as in Bad Company 2. Now i'm fine with that idea apart from one small problem, the medics. The idea of having what is essentially a noncombatant running around with the biggest gun a soldier can have is more than a little irking to me. I mean, the whole point of being a medic is to HEAL your teamates, not to light mofos up with your big shiny hand held cannon. I realize that the game is in a VERY early stage of development and that everything is liable to change, but i'm just curious as to how many people thing the same way as me.

    So what say you? Yay or nay to LMG medics?
    Id prefer to have the class system working the same way 2142 did


    • #3
      Re: Supermedics

      Yeah, tell me about it. To me 2142 was the best in terms of classes and customization. Only four classes but two branches which effectively gave them 8.


      • #4
        Re: Supermedics

        Super-Medic-Squads were present in BF2 early days but they fixed problem in first few patches. What ever gun u give a medic, good player will kill as much enemies as with any other gun. Even if you give medic only pistol players would master it and an head-shot will be always one-shot-one-kill as far as I'm concerned. If shot in a head is not 100% lethal than the game that we are talking about does not deserve to be called BF3 (among other things).


        • #5
          Re: Supermedics

          while I never played much of 2142, yeah, I would prefer it the 2142 style, where the defib was an Assault addon. I was a BF2 fanboy all of my gaming life, but now Its just whatever battlefield did right, is what we should use, not neccesarily what CoD is doing.


          • #6
            Re: Supermedics

            you should all know which way i voted


            • #7
              Re: Supermedics

              There was a problem in BF2:

              The guy with the LMG was the guy with the bullet bags.

              So they gave them a bullet box instead, and gave the defib to assault since wth, medic was assault with a crappier rifle. then people complained assult was OP since it got rockets, it got heal hub, it got rockets and assult rifle with rockets.

              So they gave the bullet box to assault, and the medic hub to support; and they kept the LMG with it. And then assault is still OP because wth he can refill bullets, and has rockets, and can refill bullets and has assault rifle and kills me wtf.

              And we can never have nice things because really; what could maybe fix this is giving access to everything to everybody and oyu have to choose ammo box or heal box and you know how that is going to end:

              Sniper LMG with noob toob and silencer attached; in fact if they let people do it; people would go for LGL with a scope on it. And it would launch mortar strikes. of Ammo.

              Another sad fact: as long as medic has a way to kill people with, they are going to be "OP" since they have access to heals. give them a one shot pistol, and then if you think heals are scarce now, just you wait til the class is "not worth playing" and THEN you will complain.


              • #8
                Re: Supermedics

                No, it's simply not true, if you gave the medic in BF2 a smg like the anti-tank class it would have been better and the assault class wouldn't be useless (it wasn't at first thanks to their noobtube but it was quickly nerfed, and rightfully so).


                • #9
                  Re: Supermedics

                  Originally posted by _X_
                  Super-Medic-Squads were present in BF2 early days but they fixed problem in first few patches. What ever gun u give a medic, good player will kill as much enemies as with any other gun. Even if you give medic only pistol players would master it and an head-shot will be always one-shot-one-kill as far as I'm concerned. If shot in a head is not 100% lethal than the game that we are talking about does not deserve to be called BF3 (among other things).
                  but in bf2 if i remember only certain rifles and snipers where a 1 shot headshot kill. for example pistols allways needed 2 shots to the head


                  • #10
                    Re: Supermedics

                    Same in BC2, only a few weapons killed in one shot in the head.


                    • #11
                      Re: Supermedics

                      BF2 would have been ok if the medic weapons were less powerful, as it was they completely nullified the point of assault

                      I would like the 2142 system, but doesn't mean it isn't open to improvement, I think within the assault class (which would now have the healing powers) depending on how you want to play the class should dictate what other equipment you carry, so no more uber assault with medic stuff

                      but meh, I hope Dice gets it right

