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Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

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  • Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

    The mortar strike unlock still won't show up when I play. Is this a glitch or is there something wrong with my stats, etc, etc ?

  • #2
    Re: Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

    This will explain everything, kinda:

    Originally posted by Kalmalyzer
    Here is a quick recap of what has happened during Dec 18th-22nd:

    During Saturday, the stats database was getting overloaded for PC. This was both due to increased player counts and 3rd party stats websites pulling out stats.
    This manifested itself in several ways:
    * Sometimes the game would spend a really long time at the "updating stats" stage.
    * Sometimes when people logged in, the game claimed that they were at rank 1.
    * Sometimes the game would claim that they hadn't achieved anything (no pins/insignias etc).
    One thing which is important to note here is that the stats for players have not been modified in any way - it is merely the game client that fails at retrieving them from the database.


    • #3
      Re: Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

      Sometimes the game would spend a really long time at the "updating stats" stage.
      Sometimes when people logged in, the game claimed that they were at rank 1.

      I have these two problems at peak times.


      • #4
        Re: Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

        Thanks for the info............. if it shows then fine, if not no big deal.


        • #5
          Re: Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

          No one has a solution? Because I have all my weapons and everything but no mortar. I think I only had the mortar in day one and now I'm stuck with the TNT.

          Edit : ok they now have both to compensate for the loss of their motion balls. Didn't saw because I don't use the wheel.


          • #6
            Re: Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

            Yeah, mortars are not on the list, but you can hit #4 (I think) and/or cycle with the wheel.

            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


            • #7
              Re: Vietnam - mortar strike unlock

              Originally posted by CptainCrunch
              Yeah, mortars are not on the list, but you can hit #4 (I think) and/or cycle with the wheel.

              Right on the mortar strike now !!!!!!!

