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Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

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  • Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

    so it dawned on me on the other discussion last week that a big reason why we have padders/hackers/cheaters is because of the fact they are recognized on global leaderboards as well as given high decay ranks (ranks above brigadier general). if we didn't have leaderboards and decay ranks, we would have no idea these sort of people exist, would we? would there be any motivation for these guys to cheat and pad if there was no recognition of their work?

    so why not get rid of them? it much more highlights and gives attention to the padders/cheaters than it does to people who play the right way. i mean supreme commander became synonymous with supreme padder. i don't really check the leaderboards much, but everyone knows the top ranked players these days are not legit players.

    of course we should still have persistent stat tracking. it is fun to have it, look up stats, compare with friends, set personal goals, etc. but it's my feeling that the leaderboard and decay ranks have become a total joke and does more harm than good. should they be done away with?

    again, doing away with leaderboard doesn't mean getting rid of stat tracking. please be clear about it when you are making your point. also, please make sure you understand what decay ranks are; they differ from the normal ranks.

  • #2
    Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

    I don't know. I mean for some ppl ranks and stats make them want to play more, like an incentive. I like how 2142 has a good stat tracking on the server browser. I think even if there is or isn't a leaderboard, there will still be padders/hackers.


    • #3
      Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

      Blah Blah Blah who cares.


      • #4
        Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

        I don't care as long as the padders keep to their own servers. And if EA keeps Supreme Commander, they should at least take a few seconds to check his server history.


        • #5
          Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

          yea still, my point was less about whether you care about them but if you think by not having leaderboards, they would be less encouraged to pad/cheat and hence less padding/cheating.

          what's would be the point in a leaderboard if it was populated mostly with padders? it's like a hall of fame for cheaters.

          and it's my feeling most of these guys do it so they can get high up in the leaderboards or get decay ranks like supreme commander. if you disagree with that, then say why.


          • #6
            Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

            I feel like it justifies for me to be able to play alone, for some reason I have some subconscious thing going on in the back of my head that all the stuff I'm doing isn't pointless and won't disappear as soon as I leave the server.

            Normally I play a game for teamwork/fun/competitive aspects but I know I've played a lot of BF2 in the past just because I wanted unlocks, better rank, etc. So I do think they should have it, who cares about hackers.


            • #7
              Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

              What the hell is a Decay Rank ?


              • #8
                Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                again, no leaderboard doesn't mean no stats. i'm still for having persistent stat keeping. just not the leaderboard and perhaps the decay ranks (ranks you get above brig. general).

                it's becoming difficult for many to understand what i'm saying. you can STILL HAVE stats, even if you remove leaderboards. read my original post, i am FOR keeping stats. just against having a global leaderboard that EA doesn't care about and is full of cheaters who have 100000000 pts from having played just few minutes.

                anyways it seems like many don't care about the hackers and them being on the leaderboards. then answer this, why even have the leaderboards if it is just a list of people you don't care about (cheaters)? wouldn't it make sense to remove it? of course it'd be a different story if they weeded out them and kept it pristine, but that hasn't been the case up to now and it likely won't be in the future. (and for the last time, this does not mean get rid of stat tracking.)


                • #9
                  Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                  Originally posted by [7ID]B|SPC.JUNO{XX}[MI]
                  What the hell is a Decay Rank ?
                  The top x amount of people every week get a high rank that disappears unless you can maintain it with enough points.


                  • #10
                    Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                    Originally posted by stilla-killa
                    Blah Blah Blah who cares.

                    I couldn't care less about my stats and or rank, If I did then I still wouldn't care about people who obtain their stats by cheaper means.

                    I think they should keep the whole ranking/ achievement system because it gives those who want it an added challenge.


                    • #11
                      Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                      Don't care either way tbh, but the leader boards don't server any real purpose thanks to padders. They should make a padders leaderboard, people can sign up to, kind of like the 2142 rising star leader board which shows the best padder of last week.


                      • #12
                        Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                        Originally posted by CrAzY eYeD cAt =^O.o^=

                        I couldn't care less about my stats and or rank, If I did then I still wouldn't care about people who obtain their stats by cheaper means.

                        I think they should keep the whole ranking/ achievement system because it gives those who want it an added challenge.
                        again, keeping ranking/achievement isn't what we're talking about here. i'm talking about leaderboards being pointless because it's full of cheaters and therefore doing away with it.

                        i am for stat keeping, achievements, and the regular rank system. i am not against that. i am against leaderboards and perhaps decay ranks to a degree because i believe it has become a way for hackers to gain recognition.

                        why do you guys keep talking about something else? keep the discussion about leaderboards/decay ranks and their usefulness and their possible facilitating of cheating/padding. this is not really about getting rid of stats tracking although i put it as a poll option, or whether you care about people padding.

                        thanks to the couple people like wiz and L-inc who actually understand my point and is making sense in their replies. i don't care if someone disagrees, its just nice to see some people understanding the point of this topic.


                        • #13
                          Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                          I use the leaderboards just to compare my scores with my friends. I never pay attention to the global leaderboards because I'm always at some depressingly low spot like 892,000th. The leaderboard situation in the early days of BF2142 was hilarious - they put up in-game billboards recognizing some of the top players on the leaderboard like Simon Moon, who got busted for hacking shortly afterwards.

                          I see what you mean though, but global leaderboards have been in all the Battlefield games since BF2 so removing them from BF3 would seem strange. They're nice to look at in the first couple weeks after release before the hackers dig in and you get trounced by people who play the game 18 hours a day.


                          • #14
                            Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                            since i don't play BF2, could you tell me if BF2 global leaderboard suffers from the same problems 2142 suffers from? the last time i looked, 2142 leaderboards (first page of it at least) is just loaded with people who have some ridiculous score accumulated in just minutes of game played.


                            • #15
                              Re: Should BF3 have leaderboards and decay ranks?

                              #1 player:
                              SPM: 95

                              Keep in mind that BF2 gives you 2 points per kill, revive, etc. So that's roughly one 2-point action every 1.3 seconds.

