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How RAGED do you get when you die?

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  • How RAGED do you get when you die?

    Just curious.

    I'm usually #2, but I can be #3 if I keep getting killed by the same guy no matter where I go. Any #6 here?

  • #2
    Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

    angry german kid is lolz, never taken a game that seriously though...


    • #3
      Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

      #6 all the way mate. j/k, usually #1 unless i was on ts with my clan and got killed by a clanmate, and i was lagging(which happens quite a lot). then i can get angry.


      • #4
        Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

        I start getting real annoyed when i spawn, kill, die for the entire round because no one on my team revives me, so by the end of the round i switch to #3, but i don't yell at my computer, i just yell through Team Speak


        • #5
          Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

          When i die, i usually RAGEQUIT!! :rawr


          • #6
            Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

            if nothing is going right and im getting bad reg and stuff i will get fanatically pissed off sometimes. i dont abuse my computer hardware or anything like that but i just have a hard time not taking something seriously if i spend alot of time on it


            • #7
              Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

              I used to be quite bad, but even under the most frustrating of games I never rage as much as some people I've played with... although no names yet

              If I'm repeatedly killed in unfortunate ways (spawn killed by someone standing ON a spawnpoint, spam, aimbotted, etc etc) - then I might whinge a bit, but that's shortlived and I'll sooner switch server and find one where I can enjoy myself more. I've actually been told that my "raging" is quite funny.

              It is a game after all, and no point playing if you're not having fun.


              • #8
                Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                Originally posted by Rick Astley
                When I die, I usually RAGEQUIT!! :rawr
                "never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)" - that's when I go #6

                In the game, I'm usually doing #2 when I die. Wait, that sounded so Elvis.

                But it can definately go to #3 if the whole round is bad.


                • #9
                  Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                  I've never raged as a result of playing an online video game.

                  I play them to relax


                  • #10
                    Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                    I don't get pissed off at all about dieing, but I do sort of get frustrated when I get a 15 second respawn time.


                    • #11
                      Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                      * Enough to harass the person who killed me via chat.

                      * Enough to start abusing my computer/keyboard/mouse/etc

                      both of these. Especially if its by voss (which normally means over half the players on the server), rdx (titan) bunnie, or being knifed by a really p*ss poor player


                      • #12
                        Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                        #2 if it's an important situation such as capping a flag or something, otherwise just #1 most of the time.

                        The best way to rage people is to use an entire Voss magazine then teabag them.


                        • #13
                          Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                          Usually im just mad when i die, but sometimes depending on my mood i will break things, nothing big though. I usually get mad from demo whores and pk's, other then that it is what it is... I rarely see people spraying with the voss and killing me though, it takes no time at all to zoom on em and take em out way faster, i dont know why people always complain about that.


                          • #14
                            Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                            under normal circumstances #1. lag, bad hit reg & armor "chinks" from a knife bring me to #3. can't imagine going angry german or breaking stuff. if i'm ever overly frustrated, i just stop playing. this is what i do to blow off steam, not make more.


                            • #15
                              Re: How RAGED do you get when you die?

                              Number 1 when I die, even if teamkilled (I always forgive).

                              Number 2 when someone punishes me for a teamkill, which is obviously an accident.

                              Never understand people getting pissed off about being killed. "Killing" each other is the whole point of the game!

