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Lag with certain awards?

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  • Lag with certain awards?

    As the title says, are there lags with receiving certain awards.

    I don't usually play for awards, but I noticed that I had the requirements for the Good Conduct Ribbon and just needed the 10 kills i.o.r. w/o any team kills/vehicle damage.

    I hopped on for a few minutes last night on a ff-off server, got 15 or so kills, picked up a combat efficiency pin, and a silver star. There were no team kills (obviously) and no vehicle damage.

    The star and pin have appeared in my stats, but the GCR hasn't.

    I seem to recall that certain awards lagged a bit in BF2 - does the same thing happen in 2142?

  • #2
    Re: Lag with certain awards?

    Sometimes, the award quite simply doesn't kick in.

    It happens on a frequent basis that players sometimes need to get the requirements several times before the award realizes it needs to be awarded. BF2142 is strange like that.


    • #3
      Re: Lag with certain awards?

      Yeah I had that with the Combat Commander Ribbon, I played in a ranked server and recieved the award ingame, then before the round ended the server crashed and when I checked my stats there was no award! I had to log on into another server and recieved it the second time and this time it did appear.


      • #4
        Re: Lag with certain awards?

        I've got pistol gold at least twice now (had 30 kills IAR with pistol and 35 in another), and I still haven't got it, and it's very rarely I actually feel motivated enough to try.


        • #5
          Re: Lag with certain awards?

          I also had some lag with the GCR and a few others from about 16h ago, they are now on my stats luckly, as that I was fearing that rather than being on a normal server with a lot of "n00bs" and it be a blessing they could not hit anything, I was feeling that I would have to gone to a P&K server to get my Pistol silver


          • #6
            Re: Lag with certain awards?

            Dont worry, its one of the bugged awards. Once you get it, you'll keep getting it. Again and again and again. I think i've gotten it about seven different times now, along with the legion of merit.


            • #7
              Re: Lag with certain awards?

              I had to go out of town on business and couldn't play for a couple of days, but the second time around it worked perfectly.


              • #8
                Re: Lag with certain awards?

                Emergency rescue pin is weird too, there's a delay between the 8 revives and your pin getting awarded.


                • #9
                  Re: Lag with certain awards?

                  Originally posted by Wizrdwarts
                  Emergency rescue pin is weird too, there's a delay between the 8 revives and your pin getting awarded.
                  delay is about 15-20 seconds.. you can even die and respawn in the mean time


                  • #10
                    Re: Lag with certain awards?

                    I've always thought there was a minimum time your 'targets' that you revived had to stay alive for the pin. Anyone want to take a look into to the coding to see what's behind the emergency rescue lag?


                    • #11
                      Re: Lag with certain awards?

                      Originally posted by Wizrdwarts
                      I've always thought there was a minimum time your 'targets' that you revived had to stay alive for the pin. Anyone want to take a look into to the coding to see what's behind the emergency rescue lag?
                      I've also been curious to test if that pin is accurate. Sometimes i play medic all round and rack up about 40 teamwork points, mostly by reviving and i only get 2 rescue pins. I find it hard to believe that out of those 40 points 24 weren't from revives. The most rescue pins i've gotten in 1 round is 4 :yay:


                      • #12
                        Re: Lag with certain awards?

                        bf2142 is lag

