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Voss.. grenadelauncher?

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  • Voss.. grenadelauncher?

    I was playing just now and somehow managed to fire grenades off of the Voss by pressing Mouse4 or Mouse5. After I died it didn't work anymore; how can I do this?
    They weren't rockets. I've been searching everywhere, but to no avail.

  • #2
    Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?


    Never heard of such a thing. Probably a graphical bug, or if you happened to play on an unranked server, some weird server side mod. There is no such things as rifle grenades in BF2142.


    • #3
      Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

      Ranked server. Anywho, the weapon tilted upwards and crosshair changed to a different one. And the weapon-choosing-menu showed a little pic of rocket instead of the semi/autofire

      Holy **** **** did it again, screened this time

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      • #4
        Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

        Originally posted by madrox View Post
        Ranked server. Anywho, the weapon tilted upwards and crosshair changed to a different one. And the weapon-choosing-menu showed a little pic of rocket instead of the semi/autofire

        Holy **** **** did it again, screened this time

        Dude, thats the assault PK-74 AR-Rocket, It's an unlock


        • #5
          Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

          That's the rocket launcher.


          • #6
            Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

            They weren't rockets, for sure : D


            • #7
              Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

              So what exactly came out? Hand grenades?


              • #8
                Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

                I was half expecting a rickroll...


                • #9
                  Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

                  voss.... with a frag launcher...
                  i think i just has a vossgasm...



                  • #10
                    Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

                    Vossgasm is the name of the unlock.

                    Press the right button, moan, and you'll see three off-white bursts fire off.


                    • #11
                      Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

                      Originally posted by messfeeder
                      I was half expecting a rickroll...
                      do a search on youtube for bf3 & you'll get rick-rolled like there's no tomorrow. first time was funny. after realizing some moron spent a LOT of his time doing in video after video, i was quickly annoyed. not so much annoyed about being rick-rolled, but knowing that some people have nothing better to do.


                      • #12
                        Re: Voss.. grenadelauncher?

                        That's PK rockets, nothing wrong. It's an unlock, I guess you're new to the game =D

                        They only do damage over range, don't scope to make them explode on impact. But you can also set the range for them to explode by right-clicking and scrolling with the mouse wheel. Good for taking out people behind cover.

