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L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

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  • L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!


    NOTE: This is only for the fun and love of the game, not to be used to annoy other players!

    After obtaining the achievements i can, i'm looking to put abit of heat back into L4D as its beginning to cool a tad. Last night i came across a server that was either modded or had some major cheats enabled that ive never seen before.
    After finding the server and then losing it again, i made my own server and played around with a few cheat codes, the fun somewhat came back tenfold, although i did some searching i could only find the basic set of Cheat Codes time and time again, my aim with this thread is that people can keep adding cheat codes they've come across that arn't already listed here, help people enjoy the most out of the game.

    Here's what i have so far: (NOTE: I am aware this is old news and most of you already know of these codes, this isn't the point of the thread, the point is to keep adding to the thread when we find new codes that can be used, ALL CHEATS ARE ENTERED INTO THE CONSOLE!)

    Result | Cheat Code

    Turn Cheats On/Off | sv_cheats 1/0

    Invincibility | god

    Infinite ammunition | sv_infinite_ammo 1

    No clipping mode on/off | noclip 1/0

    Be spectator | ent_fire !self setteam 1

    Be survivor | ent_fire !self setteam 2

    Be infected | ent_fire !self setteam 3

    Quick change map | changelevel [map name]

    Gives you the indicated item | give [item name]

    Spawn indicated NPC | z_spawn [NPC name]

    Display available servers | openserverbrowser

    Spawns a active pipebomb under you | boom

    Forces a panic event | director_force_panic

    Disables/enables controllable Boss Infected on any map | director_no_human_zombies 0/1

    No mob rushes | director_no_mobs <1/0>

    Enables/Disables never ending panics | director_panic_forever 0/1

    Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses | director_stop

    Spawns a lighted molotov right on the floor under you | fire

    Play in first person (default); this cheat is only necessary if thirdperson mode is enabled | firstperson

    You can unlock achievements while using cheats (after entering sv_cheats 1, enter retry so that it will restart the game with the cheats on) | retry

    Sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do firendly fire damage | sb_friendlyfire <1/0>

    Sets the camera to be in third person mode | thirdperson

    Sets the camera to over-the-shoulder third person mode | thirdpersonshoulder

    Sets the camera to be fixed in place while in either third person or third person shoulder mode. Enter once to turn on and enter again to turn off | thirdperson_mayamode

    Sets the maximum range of the smoker's tongue attack | tongue_range <#> (Default 750)

    Sets the maximum amount of regular zombies | z_common_limit

    Sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the Tank from not attacking survivors | z_frustration_lifetime <#>

    Change Zombie Health | z_health

    Change Zombie Speed | z_speed

    Sets the maximum health of the Tank | z_tank_health <#>

    True/False setting that allows the witch to change targets instead or focus on the one survivor that alerted her first | z_witch_allow_change_victim <1/0>

    time Amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire (does not affect damage caused by fire) | z_witch_burn_

    Sets the amount of damage a Witch's attack does | z_witch_damage <#>

    Sets Panic mod size | z_mega_mob_size (##)

    Receive damage, but will not die | Buddha

    All weapons and ammunition | impulse 10

    Infected cannot see you on/off | nb_blind 1/0

    Teleports all survivors to where your crosshair is pointing | warp_all_survivors_here

    Teleports all survivors to the nearest checkpoint | warp_all_survivors_to_checkpoint

    Teleports all survivors to the finale | warp_all_survivors_to_finale

    Teleport yourself to the next chapter | warp_to_start_area

    Item names
    Use one of the following values with the "give [item name]" code:


    Example: give autoshotgun = gives you the assault/auto shotgun.

    You can also give multiple items at the same time with a small alteration:

    Example: give autoshotgun;give pipe_bomb = Gives you an assault/autoshotgun aswel as a pipe bomb.

    Spawn Weapons | ent_create weapon_(weaponname)


    example: ent_spawn weapon_autoshotgun Will spawn an assault/auto shotgun where your crosshair is

    NPC names
    Use one of the following values with the "z_spawn [NPC name]" code:


    Example: z_spawn hunter

    You can also spawn multiple enemies at one time with a simple alteration.

    Example z_spawn hunter;z_spawn tank | this will spawn botha hunter & a tank, can also be used to spawn more of the same enemy:

    z_spawn hunter;z_spawn hunter = Spawns 2 hunters, keep going for more.

  • #2
    Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

    Just an update minutes after posting all that, ive just cracked the majority of the left 4 dead cheats.

    some of those listed above arnt in there but others are.

    type in console = cvarlist


    • #3
      Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

      Nice stuff


      • #4
        Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

        Good find


        • #5
          Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

          Already knew about a lot of these, also

          KEEP THESE TO SP!


          • #6
            Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

            Sticky granted. :salute:


            • #7
              Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

              Originally posted by Namakan View Post
              Already knew about a lot of these, also

              KEEP THESE TO SP!
              Unless your playing with west and nam


              • #8
                Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

                Originally posted by Namakan View Post
                Already knew about a lot of these, also

                KEEP THESE TO SP!
                It doesn't matter whether you do it in SP or MP. As soon as sv_cheats get set to 1, the server is not pure which means no achievements can be gained or any other statistics.


                • #9
                  Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

                  Originally posted by Oli View Post
                  It doesn't matter whether you do it in SP or MP. As soon as sv_cheats get set to 1, the server is not pure which means no achievements can be gained or any other statistics.
                  Still, its annoying if used in MP


                  • #10
                    Re: L4D Cheat Codes PC ONLY!

                    Originally posted by Namakan View Post
                    Still, its annoying if used in MP
                    Fair enough, but then begins the age old debate of whether server owners can do whatever they like (including piss people off) just because they own the server.

