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Hardcore/Softcore Features

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  • Hardcore/Softcore Features

    OK, its been a big debate for CoD4 about Hardcore vs. Softcore. People that like HC said things like its a challenge, more realistic, no HUD, etc. People that liked Softcore liked it because it had a HUD, more challenge to kill people or chance to kill people, and helped stop flat out camping.

    I think we all know the negatives each side has given along with the name calling in the past

    What I am wondering is since CoD:WW allows you to alter health and HUD, what do you all like?

    I played more hardcore mode in CoD4, but in 5, Im seeing myself play more hardcore with regular health. I think I like that the best. Have some played Softcore with hardcore health? You guys like Hardcore with Softcore health? Or are many of you Full softcore/hardcore only?

    With COD:WW features, all the complaints people had are mute. Its no longer black and white. Of course, people complain about not knowing what the health is, but thats another post

    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch

  • #2
    Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

    I would like to try playing normal with the hardcore HUD...

    But they wouldn't use normal mode for leagues if they thought HC was harder.


    • #3
      Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

      I prefer hardcore in Cod 4 and will sometimes play normal mode, though I usually play hardcore. On Cod WW I play only hardcore with a preference for reduced health. I find that the weapons are too weak for my tastes in normal mode, especially when playing with a bolt action rifle or playing on a bolt action only server.


      • #4
        Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

        HC with 30% health


        • #5
          Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

          Softcore, don't really care if the hud is on or off as long as there's no UAV (now that ruins the game)

          If I could I'd play "softcore" with 200% health. Sniper rifles would have to be tweaked but I'd really enjoy it.


          • #6
            Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features


            I was on a server last week that had to be at 200% health and regeneration was set to immediate, default is 5. It took entire round drums to kill people. I was ducking and weaving and just knifing because it was still instant death. People were screaming that I couldnt be killed and leaving.

            It was a nightmare.

            So far it seems people still prefer regular mode or true hardcore. Im surprised because a lot of people said things like if regular mode was weaker they would play that or if hardcore mode still had regular health they would play that. Seems that wasnt entirely true.

            Of course we have a very small group of people responding

            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


            • #7
              Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

              Originally posted by CptainCrunch
              OK, its been a big debate for CoD4 about Hardcore vs. Softcore. People that like HC said things like its a challenge, more realistic, no HUD, etc. People that liked Softcore liked it because it had a HUD, more challenge to kill people or chance to kill people, and helped stop flat out camping.
              Softcore for that reason.


              • #8
                Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                Originally posted by Spik3d View Post
                Softcore for that reason.
                What about Softcore with no HUD? Tried that any?

                Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                • #9
                  Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                  Originally posted by CptainCrunch View Post
                  What about Softcore with no HUD? Tried that any?

                  I haven't tried it. The main thing stopping me from trying it is that I can't tell if a server has normal settings except the HUD being hidden unless it's in the server name. That and I usually just play in the same two or three servers.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                    Originally posted by CptainCrunch View Post
                    What about Softcore with no HUD? Tried that any?

                    Isn't that the default Hardcore in WaW? So wouldn't that be Hardcore with full health?


                    • #11
                      Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                      Originally posted by Unnamed Assailant
                      Isn't that the default Hardcore in WaW? So wouldn't that be Hardcore with full health?
                      It is the default. A lot of people complained about it because they wanted the one hit kills. Which that shows that some played hardcore for easier kills instead of the "realism" argument.

                      Personally, I think people played the modes because it was easier to kill someone or harder for themselves to be killed. I wanted to see what people here thought since it was debated so much, but it seems most prefer to remain silent Or maybe most here still play CoD4 instead.

                      I have always said that I played both modes and liked them a lot, but prefered hardcore better. In CoD5 there were a number of ways to change it up and I liked the changed ways even more. It mixes it all up. I do wish they did have some type of health filter though since it can be changed a lot. Not a huge filter just one that does 100 75-100 50-75 25-50 and 1-25. I think that would work pretty well.

                      Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                      Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                      • #12
                        Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                        I play primarily softcore. I enjoy both with and without the HUD in game. Hardcore with health too low makes it too easy to kill in my opinion. I prefer if someone wings me being able to at least feel like I actually could quickly find cover and return fire (although usually when this happens I die before I find cover).


                        • #13
                          Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                          We did something in a private match which I liked a lot; HxC w/ a kill-cam. (Of course this was on console so IDK if it translates to PC). But it was a lot of fun.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                            Yeah, you can do that on PC. I have mixed feelings about the killcam. I like it because it shows me what I did wrong as well as how I died for those WTH moments. I also like it because it brings down the camping because it gives away your spot.

                            I dont like it because when you are being stealthy or are in a good spot sniping, it gives away your spot!

                            Killcam, its such a two edged sword

                            Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                            Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                            • #15
                              Re: Hardcore/Softcore Features

                              i know a lot of people play hardcore because it is faster than softcore. 1 hit kills means you can fire off a few shots and move on, where as with softcore you have to fire half a clip at someone to down them and hope no one else comes while you are reloading. i usually have no problem with people camping. some people just insist on camping. they are taken care of quickly and tend to have the worst k:d ratio. whenever i play softcore, it turns into a cluster f*** of people going around just stabbing people and hiding to regenerate their health. i'm guilty of doing it because it's just so easy, but i don't make a habit of it like so many people. when playing hardcore if you were to just run around knifing people you would be cut down faster than the nubs who camp in the same place when they respawn.

