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Admins... Listen Up

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  • Admins... Listen Up

    There are few servers on the East Coast that run bolt servers (I'm just using these as an example because it was easiest for me to search). Using game-monitor, I searched for bolt-rifle servers within 1000km of my location and it only came up with 4 populated servers. Well, I'd love to see more, but that's beside the point.

    Now, remember I'm just using my servers as examples, but many people adopt servers as their favorites for many reasons. Good ping, good map rotation, good hit registration, along with various other reasons. Now, say you get banned from one of these servers. Not just warned-kicked-banned, but banned without any legitimate warning.

    Please, please go on youtube and search "Aimbot" or "Wallhack" and see what one really looks like before you ban players from what may be their favorite server. There is nothing more frustrating than being banned for no reason other than playing better than the other players in the server. You have PB screenshots for a reason, look at them! Just because you're being owned, don't ban the player! Hell, I'd (and I'm sure everyone else would) prefer to be kicked than banned.

    I'm normally not one to post a rant like this on the forums, but I'm seeing this occur more and more often, in both CoD4 and CoD:WaW. It's honestly ridiculous, and some people need to grow up and learn that not everybody who's better than them is a hacker. So please, to my main point, learn what a real aimbot is, learn to use your PBShots (if a player is truly hacking, report to PB, that's their job), and stop acting childish.

  • #2
    Re: Admins... Listen Up

    ^^^100% Agreed. I get sick of getting kicked/banned from servers where I'm owning the clan members and so they deem me hacking. :shakehead: You can also spectate someone and tell better also. Believe me, if you're spectating a person using an aimbot, you will know. They will be facing one way, then sporadically turn with an instant headshot. BUT, as was said be Zuke, check youtube for actual aimbot users b/c some guys do have quick reflexes. Video footage would be the best for giving you an example of a real hack.


    • #3
      Re: Admins... Listen Up

      First, screenshots does not catch everything.

      Second, yes it sucks but it is their server meaning they can kick you out for anything.


      • #4
        Re: Admins... Listen Up

        Originally posted by TGL|Sober
        First, screenshots does not catch everything.

        Second, yes it sucks but it is their server meaning they can kick you out for anything.
        For being too good?

        A certain kind of screenshot will, I've seen it before.


        • #5
          Re: Admins... Listen Up

          Screenshots only capture what they see on screen, so typically aimbots are caught by demo. Just spectate the damn guy, if you see constistant instant twitches to heads then you know he's fake.

          Most of the time, you will get banned because you waited for a guy, etc. Yet, they never realize that it could be from UAV, they could have saw him earlier and waited, etc. I made a topic about how to get better, hoping that admins can realize there's more skill involved than just shooting a guy. ( ). Many factors play a role, including luck. That's why admins should always give players the benefit of the doubt in situations. Just because you couldn't do that, does not mean it's not possible.

          Hell, I remember playing in a no PB server, beating up this BLATANT aimbotter. He was terrible, but it was 100% apparent he was instantly twitching to everyone infront and behind him. Yet, they let him stay and bans me instead. Really? Are you that blind? Goes to show that most admins only look at your score to make judgments.


          • #6
            Re: Admins... Listen Up

            Originally posted by Kyle View Post
            For being too good?

            A certain kind of screenshot will, I've seen it before.
            For anything, their server their call! Also keep in mind if you get a PB kick it does not mean someone is kicking you for hacking, it is the default kick (I got PB kicked for jumping to much).

            Yes, a certain screenshot will but most who use aimbots do not use the other crap that will show up in a screenshot simply because an aimbot does everything for you.


            • #7
              Re: Admins... Listen Up

              If you get kicked for something on a server and you have no idea why its usually best to go to their website and start a dicussion thread about it. 90% of the time they will apologise and unban you but on the occations where they dont care about what you have to say i think its best to leave it and find someone else to play. If the server admins are crap & the clan behind them are lame then screw em all tbh.

              If someone aimbots you need to spec record them (needs to be done using Xfire/Fraps atm cuz treyarch are lame and didnt include /record) and send it on to PB for their GUID to be banned.


              • #8
                Re: Admins... Listen Up

                Lol totaly aggree:nod:!!! I got kicked from a power lvl because they say im hacking with 200kill/98dead its not hacking man..


                • #9
                  Re: Admins... Listen Up

                  Originally posted by TGL|Sober View Post
                  For anything, their server their call!
                  I don't like you, I'm kicking you from our forums. Seriously, they can do it, but it makes them look like lametards. Which is why I usually go down to our clan discussion and make a thread about a server/clan to warn others that this clan is teh ghey and will kick you for doing well. I'd rather not play on their server anyway, but it's still retarded. Just b/c they felt like the size of their e-pen0r got compromised, they kick you. Failed.


                  • #10
                    Re: Admins... Listen Up

                    :rofl: e-pen0r compromised!

                    That sounds painful.

                    BOT - I agree with everyone! Its their server, they can do what they want, but if they are going to be jerks about it, you are better off and let others know. Also, admins should check out videos (not the hacks themselves) and see what they are suppose to look for. I do it

                    Twitter: @CptainCrunch
                    Battlelog/Origin: CptainCrunch


                    • #11
                      Re: Admins... Listen Up

                      For the record, sending demos/recording/PBSSes to EvenBalance will not get the player banned. Ever. Third-party groups like PBBans and PunksBusted may look at them (I'm not up to speed on their protocols, so I may be wrong about them accepting demos and such).


                      • #12
                        Re: Admins... Listen Up

                        As long as their server is not bound to something like the EA rules of conduct, then they can kick for anything they want, sure it makes them look like dicks, but it's their own server.

                        Originally posted by Webs961 View Post
                        For the record, sending demos/recording/PBSSes to EvenBalance will not get the player banned. Ever. Third-party groups like PBBans and PunksBusted may look at them (I'm not up to speed on their protocols, so I may be wrong about them accepting demos and such).
                        EvenBalance will only ban players for evading previous bans, not for in-game hacks iirc.


                        • #13
                          Re: Admins... Listen Up

                          welcome to the world of online gaming. Coming from BF2/BF2142 i have seen this way too many times. Join a server and kick some admins butt a few times and before you know it you are kicked or banned.

                          Unfortunately there is no "maturity" test for being an admin for a server. Anyone with a few bucks can have a server. I understand that they paid for the server and can run it how they see fit, but you reap what you sow. After awhile the server will get a reputation and people will no longer play there.

                          i find the best run servers are ones where the admins are transparent. Most of the time you don't even know they are around. However if someone starts acting up they take action and remove the problem player. When it comes to cheaters most seasoned admins will watch the player and gather evidence before kicking or banning them. If you are getting banned without any reason then it's time to move onto another server and don't look back.


                          • #14
                            Re: Admins... Listen Up

                            Originally posted by Wizrdwarts
                            As long as their server is not bound to something like the EA rules of conduct, then they can kick for anything they want, sure it makes them look like dicks, but it's their own server.

                            EvenBalance will only ban players for evading previous bans, not for in-game hacks iirc.
                            Actually Evenbalance issues Global Guid Bans for hacks that attempt to block PB, all other hacks result in a 2 minute+ kick unless the server is streaming to PBBans, PsB, etc. which result in a perma ban on that guid (which is why it is important to have a streaming server).

                            Not 100% on this but PBBans and maybe PsB (to lazy to look) offer their own demo programs that can be used to get a player caught hacking banned.


                            • #15
                              Re: Admins... Listen Up

                              Originally posted by Killerus View Post
                              i find the best run servers are ones where the admins are transparent. Most of the time you don't even know they are around. However if someone starts acting up they take action and remove the problem player. When it comes to cheaters most seasoned admins will watch the player and gather evidence before kicking or banning them. If you are getting banned without any reason then it's time to move onto another server and don't look back.
                              Agreed, Most cheaters, in my experience, don't tend to hang around a particular server for extended periods of time (days, etc). They usually float around to reduce their chances of getting caught and banned. So, while you may have to put up with it for a round or five, just think of it as a temporary setback.

