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KA-50 black shark

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  • KA-50 black shark

    Its such a beautiful model and flys well but its totally inferior to the apache in inter helo combat. The apache rips it to pieces so quickly (even worse if the apache has a gunner:cry while the shark's 30mm cannon is so inacurate you can hardly hit it unless your hitting its side and then it seems to do little damage to the chopper.

    I flew straight at a bot (he was in the shark) and he fired and most of the ammo just went wide of my chopper. I have tried flying the shark against the apache (with a human pilot) and he tore me appart every time and the same happoned when I flew thw apache (it was so bad I got accused of hacking!!)

    I hoe this will be fixed as it ruins the balance of the maps its in.

  • #2
    Re: KA-50 black shark

    Personally I think that the NOTAR is too powerfull versus infantry. It already got super powerfull guns that rip infantry apart but usually the infantry still got a change by hiding in urban areas but then the NOTAR got a freaking radar, it's unfair


    • #3
      Re: KA-50 black shark

      Yeah I hoped they would drop the UAV on the notar gunship in V2 but they didnt


      • #4
        Re: KA-50 black shark

        AIX is a SP and COOP mod. It simply is not balanced for Conquest style gaming.

        The game play is meant for a single player to have fun while tearing apart bots. The overkill is built-in on purpose because it makes SP gaming a little more exciting.

        MP AIX communities can custom configure their servers to allow for balanced play, but that is up to the particular community to enact. For example, disabling the UAV on the Littlebird is very, very easily done.




        • #5
          Re: KA-50 black shark

          Ok I can accept that but we all know a bot isnt going to fly a helo as well as even a green n00b let alone not even have a chance in hell if it could.

          Can you change weapon deviations on a server then??


          • #6
            Re: KA-50 black shark

            The bots have gotten better at engaging targets -- a lot of work was put into the AI to make it "smarter", but you are correct that bots don't make as good an opposition as human players do.

            I don't think that one can adjust the weapon deviations on the serverside without a minimod being used.

            I don't have a problem flying KA-50 vs AH64 Gunships, but if you're soloing in the Blackshark againtst a team in an Apache with TV missiles, you're in trouble. That's the nature of asymmetric warfare...


            • #7
              Re: KA-50 black shark

              :salute:lol i love this viechule

