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AIX 2.0 has released!

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  • AIX 2.0 has released!

    AIX 2.0 has released today for public downloads: :thumbsup:

  • #2
    Re: AIX 2.0 has released!



    • #3
      Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

      Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
      AIX 2.0 has released today for public downloads: :thumbsup:


      I got 3- servers setup this afternoon to celebrate the release of the new version 2- of the servers are running different gpm_coop variations and the other is running gpm_cq for those of you that don't enjoy playing with bots...

      Please feel free to check out any of the AIX servers we are hosting for the community and if you have any comments you are welcome to message me on the forums here or you can post them on our forums at

      AIX RULES!!:salute:


      • #4
        Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

        Installing atm.

        I hope it's as good as the first release, and I'd be surprised if it's not Hope we get some more players now as well


        • #5
          Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

          The release is very good. I have a new favorite weapon: VSS Vintorez

          That sniper rifle rawks my sawks.

          Designed for special operations, the VSS Vintorez is a unique silenced sniper rifle made in Russia. The MEC strike fear into the hearts of the enemy for its legendary stealth and its victims rarely even hear anything before impact.
          I can't wait for imtheheadhunter's updated Map Packs to be released, too.


          • #6
            Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

            Played for an hour or so and it's awesome

            I still have the same "complaints" as from the earlier version but it's just a matter of preference. I think people die too fast and I die too fast as well

            But I love the death screams and when you get a rough landing. Cracks me up every time.

            Love the reload animation


            • #7
              Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

              Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
              The release is very good. I have a new favorite weapon: VSS Vintorez

              That sniper rifle rawks my sawks
              i used it in S.T.A.L.K.E.R and it felt better. TBH i dont really like it in AIX. i like how they fixed the M-109 to make it semi-auto instead of "self imposed bolt action". wait, i patched the mod and i already had the mappacks, will this screw anything up?


              • #8
                Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                Downloaded it and played it yesterday, just want to drop by and say it's a great mod
                But yes, sometimes bullets hurt you to much. It gets a bit spawn, kill, die, spawn, kill, die. Maybe reducing body damage a bit and stretching spawntimes to 14 seconds (dunno what it is now, I guess 8 seconds).

                But great job on the mod, love all those new weapons


                • #9
                  Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                  The chopper AI is a bit screwed up on the map where the EU are attacking the MEC missile silos; they can't figure out how to get past the dam.


                  • #10
                    Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                    Originally posted by Flt. Sgt. Powderhound View Post
                    The chopper AI is a bit screwed up on the map where the EU are attacking the MEC missile silos; they can't figure out how to get past the dam.
                    You mean the UN right?

                    I've never experienced a problem with them on that map... It's always been fine for me as i can specifically remember being targated by other choppers close to the MEC base and attacked at the central CP by enemy choppers when I get in the Littlebird.


                    • #11
                      Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                      Originally posted by SonicPixel View Post
                      The release is very good. I have a new favorite weapon: VSS Vintorez

                      That sniper rifle rawks my sawks.

                      I can't wait for imtheheadhunter's updated Map Packs to be released, too.
                      Agreed! The Vintorez is one of my new favorite weapons. Ditto on the map packs as well......


                      • #12
                        Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                        Originally posted by Mitch View Post
                        Agreed! The Vintorez is one of my new favorite weapons. Ditto on the map packs as well......
                        hehehe....great for bots but i feel pretty guilty when i kill someone at 250 yards with a shot to the big toe. you been playing coop or multiplayer mitch?


                        • #13
                          Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                          Vintorez is evil... I don't know but couldn't they have tweaked it a bit for multi? It kills in one shot pretty much all the time and you have no idea where it's coming from... I guess that's the point of the rifle but it's a bit tedious seeing everyone on MEC go sniper as soon as it's an infantry map playing.


                          • #14
                            Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                            Originally posted by *FMJ*Power View Post
                            hehehe....great for bots but i feel pretty guilty when i kill someone at 250 yards with a shot to the big toe. you been playing coop or multiplayer mitch?
                            Yea I could see that weapon pissing a lot of folks off in vanilla BF2, however it is great fun to use it on bots especially when you have 50 round clips.....

                            I don't do much multiplayer anymore other than a few rounds on Karkand every now and then. For the most part me and a few friends usually hang out on one of the custom AIX coop servers I have running.

                            I love the AIX mod but I have found that I like to make a few tweaks here and there that make the game more enjoyable for us old lazy

                            The only down side to running a custom variation like that is that folks can't join the server without downloading a custom file and while I don't mind sharing it, I am hesitant to make it available to the general public because I don't want to offend any of the folks from the AIX mod team.

                            I need to check with Sonic Pixel, because I thought I had read something he had posted about a clan that was doing something similar but were making the file available for download. If that's the case and the folks from AIX don't have a problem with it, then I will put mine up for download as well.


                            • #15
                              Re: AIX 2.0 has released!

                              I really don't think anyone will have a problem with how you want to run your servers, Mitch. You're just trying to create a place to have some fun. As long as you don't rip off anyone or claim the work of others as your own, you should be good-to-go.

                              I've learned that simply asking permission respectfully typically brings a favorable response. =)

                              There are a number of modded AIX servers running publicly. In fact, I'd say that if you want to run a Conquest AIX server, you'd probably want to mod it to make it balanced.

                              I guess the Vintorez means that MEC will not be Team 1 much on Conquest servers because no one wants to go against a team of uber-snipers. Or, that server could be modded to put the Dragonov into MEC sniper kits and reserve the VSS Vintorez as a pickup on a building top...

