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BF2 serious business

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  • BF2 serious business

    Androo_z-Z: jru
    Androo_z-Z: hey
    Androo_z-Z: answer?
    V|Predrag: wjhat?
    Androo_z-Z: sorry
    Androo_z-Z: i didnt mean to uhm
    Androo_z-Z: ctd
    Androo_z-Z: that server
    Androo_z-Z: :P
    Androo_z-Z: im sorry
    Androo_z-Z: ..
    Androo_z-Z: i made u ctd
    Androo_z-Z: from that server
    Androo_z-Z: on accident
    V|Predrag: lol get a life, u spend money on hacks just so you can crash a bf2 server and try to make someone mad
    Androo_z-Z: yea
    Androo_z-Z: fo sho
    Androo_z-Z: im a rager
    Androo_z-Z: 100%
    Androo_z-Z: DDD
    Androo_z-Z: imma
    V|Predrag: good for you
    Androo_z-Z: ruion bf2
    Androo_z-Z: ruin bf2
    Androo_z-Z: teehee
    Androo_z-Z: imma ruin bf2 dude
    V|Predrag: awesome
    Androo_z-Z: its a dead game
    Androo_z-Z: deserves to die
    Androo_z-Z: completely
    Androo_z-Z: RIP
    V|Predrag: bf2 can be fixed, hackers have tried but EA got rid ofem, can your life be fixed? rofl dont think so
    V|Predrag: someone was owning u to hard and u couldnt take it so you turned to hacks

    Androo_z-Z: lol
    Androo_z-Z: i always owned in the chopper
    Androo_z-Z: now i got ur guid and ip, imma track down n crash every bf2 server u go in m8
    V|Predrag: lol I couldnt care less aboput your chopper skills, as for the CTDs, I dont even play the game anymore, if you have the time which I know you do coz you have no life, go ahead and make me CTD if it satisfies you lol
    V|Predrag: I play here and there when I get a chance
    V|Predrag: im not obbsessed withit like you are

    Androo_z-Z: kk
    V|Predrag: tell me one thing tho
    V|Predrag: what makes you pick on me, whats the reason, not that you are actually bothering me to much but im just wondering

    Androo_z-Z: uh
    Androo_z-Z: my real life
    Androo_z-Z: isnt that good
    Androo_z-Z: so i come to the internet
    V|Predrag: aww
    V|Predrag: that doesnt tell me why you picked me?

    Androo_z-Z: coz
    Androo_z-Z: i rage any1
    Androo_z-Z: dats y i RAT computers
    Androo_z-Z: and keylog
    Androo_z-Z: and rob
    Androo_z-Z: lol

  • #2
    Re: BF2 serious business

    lol @ the faggots (read singular)


    Waht's his real xfire?


    • #3
      Re: BF2 serious business


      Good read, you proper pwned his ***

      I still dont get why people think its more fun to try and ruin other ppls games etc... some people I guess just have no lives what so ever.

      They must put on the packaging of these hacks something like "only cool kids are ragers" since he seemed to be very proud of himself being a "rager" :lol:


      • #4
        Re: BF2 serious business

        hate it
        when people


        • #5
          Re: BF2 serious business

          This is so f*cking juvenile.

          Both of you, seriously... you need to grow up and he needs to hang himself.


          • #6
            Re: BF2 serious business

            All the chopper whores that hang around each other know that Androo and bunch of others hack. I don't understand the point of not telling because sometimes it's plain out obvious. And it looks like Androo re-bought his subscription to what hacks he buys because like 2 weeks ago, he was caught by PBBans with a mistyping of Spec's name, probably trying to put Spec on PbBans...This guy is pathetic and needs to grow some balls.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 serious business

              So where do the chopper whores hang out now? I thought all the good chopper-only servers went down.


              • #8
                Re: BF2 serious business

                there was never a good chopper server thanks to macro using scrubs

                allot of people have admitted to me that they use macros and its so obvious who uses it

                I guess its ok to use it in scrims because your opponent will most likely be using it too but don't bring it to the pubs

                I played on two of the most popular dalian servers yesterday and both were crashed by the same guy lol, its getting out of hand

                Originally posted by Tomeis
                hate it
                when people
                **** I know, I have people type to me like that all the time

                they separate one long *** sentence into 10 different lines, all I hear is "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep"

                Originally posted by Rhino View Post

                Good read, you proper pwned his ***

                I still dont get why people think its more fun to try and ruin other ppls games etc... some people I guess just have no lives what so ever.

                They must put on the packaging of these hacks something like "only cool kids are ragers" since he seemed to be very proud of himself being a "rager" :lol:

                well I guess its cool to ruin someones game if they are pissing you of but I don't remember doing anything to piss this guy off lol and when people mess with me I just join the other team and try to own them in the air

                but this guy obviously doesn't have enough skills to do that, without hacks at least


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 serious business

                  Originally posted by predragjanjic View Post
                  there was never a good chopper server thanks to macro using scrubs
                  True, and I hate it when macro users say that macros don't really give an advantage.


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 serious business

                    Yea but the thing about macros is if you give one to a (example) really skilled clicking TV'r, he will not instantly get 100-0 a round. For each, whether it be clicking/macro, you have to learn how to use each and get used to it. I don't care if someone uses a macro, its getting insanely obvious how people deny it but when they try to join your squad, you see that they join/left/join/left like 20 times per second.


                    • #11
                      Re: BF2 serious business

                      The thing about macros isn't that they can click faster than a finger, it's that they never freeze up or get fatigued.


                      • #12
                        Re: BF2 serious business

                        and they can pull crazy curves

                        and if you overclick with your mouse, your TV missile will go crazy and start lagging, its gonna throw you of and make your missile go through

                        Im pretty sure thats not gona happen with a macro


                        • #13
                          Re: BF2 serious business

                          Let's be honest here... if macros didn't offer an obvious advantage, people wouldn't use them. Essentially, it's nothing more than cheating: you can attempt to rationalize and justify their usage, but it's still just exploiting the system and giving yourself an unfair advantage over the competition.

                          That's a funny word - competition... what does it even mean anymore when practically all of the people on a ladder use artificial performance enhancers to remain competitive? It's all a big joke. I can count the truly talented people I know who didn't sell out on one hand, and that includes myself. F*cking sad.


                          • #14
                            Re: BF2 serious business

                            Androo is such a douche.


                            • #15
                              Re: BF2 serious business

                              Originally posted by LaikaSB
                              So where do the chopper whores hang out now? I thought all the good chopper-only servers went down.


