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  • Gore

    You know how they said this will be a more brutal cod game will there be more gore. I am pretty sure a .50 cal round doesn't just make some one fall over.

    does anyone know if there will be higher gore levels?

  • #2
    Re: Gore

    we can only hope, my friend, we can only hope. As for bodies literally being torn apart by bullets, I doubt it. There will definitely be more blood and maybe better physics when dying, but I don't think a .50 cal is going to make a guy's head fly off.


    • #3
      Re: Gore

      That would be freaking awesome!

      I don't really see why they can't do it... I mean, you have stats for each body part you hit, so why shouldn't this be possible?? If its because of the younger generation, just have it set in the options, allowing players to enable/disable gore levels.

      If it did happen, it would mean using the .50 cal would be more satisfying! Watching their limbs fly off lol...


      • #4
        Re: Gore

        oh yeah hope it has lots of gore


        • #5
          Re: Gore

          Ah we all hope for gore and bloody goodness.


          • #6
            Re: Gore

            Originally posted by Irish Freedom
            we can only hope, my friend, we can only hope. As for bodies literally being torn apart by bullets, I doubt it. There will definitely be more blood and maybe better physics when dying, but I don't think a .50 cal is going to make a guy's head fly off.
            I've seen videos of peoples heads EXPLODING ... its horrible. Its one thing in a video game, but seeing it in RL is pretty gruesome.


            • #7
              Re: Gore

              I think that gore is over-rated. Just like in movies, it can be taken to an extreme (trying to make it look SO real) that it winds up looking silly and over the top, and actually ruining the feel of a game. Same as too much swearing in a reaches a point where it no longer "feels" realistic, and instead becomes gratuitous and dumb, like they're trying too hard to be cool.

              I also think it generally appeals to a younger crowd. I remember my buddies and I back in high-school loving horror movies that had tons of blood and dismemberment. Partly I guess because it was intense, which young guys are drawn to, but also because it was something you don't see too often, so it's kind of "new". But after years and years of it, I think most people get to a point where it's "been there, done that"...they've seen it all before, perhaps become de-sensitized to it, and it doesn't matter much anymore. Many would rather have a good storyline with great creative action sequences instead of the gore itself. My friends and I still go to see movies like "Saw" and "Hostel", but in talking about it afterward, we enjoyed the plot twists and inventive-ness of the traps, rather than the actual injuries/deaths/gore.

