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Bridge cut

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  • Bridge cut

    Whats the best (stratigicly and tactifully) bridge you or someone else you saw do?

    My best was i was flying the F35 on wake, and we had the chinesse traped in the north base but somehow they got 2 tanks in ( WTF? maybe they retreated with em or something) but they started a mass exodus before most of our forces arrived (including are tank) and i forgot to reload on bombs:shakehead: So i started strafing the bridge even fired missils (...) but they started out id come roaring in and they all pulled back ( sniper friend explaining this as i go) so finaly i get bombs and one of my squad ( good budy) swims to there base and right after my gun run he runs and plants mines behind these tanks who are at edge of bridge, Buddy calls in air strike on the bridge witch i blow up so these tanks are stuck between mines and blowed bridge :yay: my sniper buddy kepts picking off there engis and whenever they send a crate (thanks to buddy again whos sort of tags it) i gun it to shreds before it can fixe bridge our tanks showes up and ( from the moutain before entering north base close to airfield) starts loobing in shells (help of sniper again) starts nailling these tanks, so me and other pilot form up 1 beside the other and we drop our bombs a bit to the side of each other right acrose there now damaged tanks hiting many engis there tanks and other people, ( got about 7-8 kills each that run) ( its not spawn bombing cause we hit tanks not there base) after a artillery (not by me) we roll in sending everyone on foot killing em and taking bases
    ( some by hely, very cool to see a full hely take a base full of people, mini guns roaring other weapons going, reminds me of SOG in vietnam:thumbsup:

    Needless to say we won that round i like to thinks thanks to gun runs and a few bombs

  • #2
    Re: Bridge cut

    me and my squad c4 each section of the main big bridge in kubra dam. and something you dont see very often is a long line of tanks apc's and teh 1 bradley at the back. we waited for the first tank to reach the end and detonated that c4, when the bradely tried to back off we blew the back c4. so we trapped a tank and a apc in the middle, our 2 snipers picked of engies trying to repair the bridge. it was funny. then we blew the rest up and watched the crap fall down

    all the c4 was on teh bridge supporst so the explosions didnt kill the armour, jsut made em fall to their deaths


    • #3
      Re: Bridge cut

      Was on AIX SP Wake Twilight, and we (USMC) had all bases exept North Base. Planted two 20 sec. fuse C4s on the bridge and took cover just out side the blast radius of the C4. I couldnt get farther because I was pinned by enemy fire. When the bridge blew, got 20-22 kills + took out their tank. Just after an A-10 'gun runned' the base and we captured the flag with no problem. I just wish that was on ranked multiplay...


      • #4
        Re: Bridge cut

        You know, I've never actually been in a game where there was any good reason to blow any bridge ever. But wouldn't ya know it? There's always some moron, some twаtwaffle of a fuсk, who decides to blow the damn bridge anyway. Especially on karkand; who would willingly subject themselves to that sniperfest? Tell me, who?!

        No offense inteneded; the scenarios described above don't sound like the games I played.


        • #5
          Re: Bridge cut

          My brother and I were playing a karkand server and the whole us team was pinned down by tanks at the bridge. I had an ideah, one of us would cut the bridge. I tried first and died, then I told my brother to go (he was spec ops as well) He went, planted, and detonated. after that about half the team started thanking him.


          • #6
            Re: Bridge cut

            cutting the bridge on karkand is a valid tactic if your team is full of ****ing twats that dont realise they have to hold the back flags as well as the stupid hotel, if a tank wants to get past no problem they just have to sit there for a few secs to auto repair it.

            If a good USMC team get even one sl on the mec 'island' its game over for mec. blowing up the bridge allows you to pick them off more easily then if they were just running down it.

            The sniper fests that occur later on though are quite tedious to an extent I agree, but at least you can win from that position as mec. half the team snipers, 1/4 medics 1/4 supports = best defence ever on one of those sniper stalemates.

