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I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

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  • I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

    Ok, what am I missing here? I'm having this really annoying problem with RDX and I'm wondering if people have had this problem too and can help me out. Basically this is my issue:

    Very frequently when I deploy and RDX, or two, and I switch with right click to the detonator, and then I left click again, instead of the charges exploding I get switched to "place RDX" mode again. i.e. the RDX's I've placed do not blow up and all I see is another RDX in my hand again (to be placed). This happens to me a LOT. Anyone else experience this problem and know the solution? Obviously they don't all have to be deployed first before I detonate them...correct?


  • #2
    Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

    Thats normal. You just have to be REALLY quick with the switch-detonate. People don't like to admit it, but its not that easy to learn how to RDX Hop.

    PS: I don't support this tactic, I am just answering the man's question.


    • #3
      Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

      Thanks. But I'm not even talking about bunnyhopping - it happens say when I'm trying to blow up a walker. Just yesterday, I had 2 or 3 RDXs on a walkers legs and there was actually another soldier UNDER the I thought - "Great - 3 kills!" I ran away from the walker and soldier and switched to detonate mode (right click) and then left clicked to detonate and NOOOOOOOOO...The last RDX showed up in my hands again and that soldier I was talking about shot me.

      You guys know what I'm talking about now?


      • #4
        Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

        The detonator has to be all the way out before clicking, or it'll return to RDX in hand.


        • #5
          Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

          So once I have the RDX detonator out, I'm left-clicking too quickly? Thus this is why it's switching back to RDX?


          • #6
            Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

            Yeah, lag can also affect it pretty bad.


            • #7
              Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

              it might be possible that u are freaking out and trying to rush yourself. so u start to push buttons multiple times. so u might be right clicking one to many times, resulting in a switch back to ur RDX


              • #8
                Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                Lol! Thanks...yes I am freaking out for some reason....


                • #9
                  Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.



                  take practice.

                  It's a valid tactics if you don't play on FF off servers.


                  • #10
                    Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                    I feel your pain Drodgeman.
                    For me it's usually that I set up to defend a Titan vent.
                    If everything happens slow enough (enemies don't drop down in hordes) I don't have a problem. It's mostly when I have to detonate, run up and drop another RDX, run back and try to kill the enemy that just dropped in quickly. Then, instead of detonating, I sometimes find myself dropping another RDX, even though I know I right-clicked. I think it's mostly lag in some form or another.

                    Originally posted by serevalassassin View Post
                    Sorry, but this vid shows the what, not the how.


                    • #11
                      Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                      something like this can happend when you have ammo box near, it switches to RDX by automation when you recharges (and you not have control onthat, sometimes its even no sound of recharging ammo), in result you end with RDX in hand instead detonator


                      • #12
                        Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                        Originally posted by Fingulfin View Post
                        PS: I don't support this tactic, I am just answering the man's question.
                        i do i do

                        it's fun !!



                        • #13
                          Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                          It's about the timing, not how quick you do it. Practice on a local server or in sp. The trick is to try and not rush it. For the standard jump and through over a wall, etc. wait until the rdx is at the peak of it's height then do your right click left click as quick as you want. This should get you the feel for it, and then you can work on it.


                          • #14
                            Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                            Originally posted by serevalassassin View Post


                            take practice.

                            It's a valid tactics if you don't play on FF off servers.
                            yeah i guess its valid but your still doing fancy wizard magic blowing up bombs on yourself and not getting hurt.



                            • #15
                              Re: I'm having a BAD RDX issue.

                              Lol. I am not arsed of guys who whine about the fact that '' RDX is for lamers'' I use it, its fun. Deploy, Jump. then leftclick. It switchs faster then, It will do the trick. Nice training, watch the vids aswell. Learn how he uses the jumps on his Rdx detonator. Goodluck

