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BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

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  • BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

    Playing BF2 I have noticed that the level of Zoom on the sniper rifle is significantly less to 1942.

    In 1942 you would zoom in 2 or levels, start to move with the breathing and then take a shot (hopeful headshot). With BF2, this does not appear to be the case as the zoom is less powerful.

    Or an I missing something?

    Thanks, JJ

  • #2
    Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

    No you are not missing anything here, that's just the way it is, there is only one level of zoom, and there is no need to hold your breath.

    Some people like it when you scopes bob up and down and you need to steady your aim by holding your breath but i just hate it 100%.

    I think the sniping in BF2142 would be great if you did not need to hold your breath.

    Sniper is pretty much all i play and that is the only worry i have about any possable BF3 is that the sniping could be spolit by the need to hold your breath, you don't need to hold your breath with any other kit so WHY with sniper kit.


    • #3
      Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

      Originally posted by **L96A1**
      No you are not missing anything here, that's just the way it is, there is only one level of zoom, and there is no need to hold your breath.

      Some people like it when you scopes bob up and down and you need to steady your aim by holding your breath but i just hate it 100%.

      I think the sniping in BF2142 would be great if you did not need to hold your breath.

      Sniper is pretty much all i play and that is the only worry i have about any possable BF3 is that the sniping could be spolit by the need to hold your breath, you don't need to hold your breath with any other kit so WHY with sniper kit.
      You also cant hit targets that are very far away with any other kit, and the sniper kit also has the most powerful rifle. Balance.


      • #4
        Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

        It still spoils the game IMO, i just don't like it, no wait i can't stand it.

        If i was thinking of buying a new FPS, even if it was a game of the year type thing, (LIKE GTA) buti knew it had '' hold your breath style sniping'' then i would just save my money and keep playing a game that's nearly 3 years old.

        But that's just me, and am sure others don't like it, and others do like it.

        Its like some older games have something called ''head bobing'' like BF2142 on the default settings but at lest you can turn that off if you want.

        To me all that stuff is just unrealistic even though if you walk down the street your head probably bobs up and down, BUT you don't notice it, its the same with sniping, i don't notice BIG movment when looking down a barrel of a gun.


        • #5
          Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

          Balance - You want the CSS AWPs again? Those you can quick scope insanely well (even more so in CS 1.6) and with the 1 hit kill they ruled the game.


          • #6
            Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

            breath sway is needed, otherwise everyone would run with a sniper and it would ruin the game.

            I think if you take cod4 as an example, there is breath sway but it works so nicely.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

              Originally posted by **L96A1**
              To me all that stuff is just unrealistic even though if you walk down the street your head probably bobs up and down, BUT you don't notice it, its the same with sniping, i don't notice BIG movment when looking down a barrel of a gun.
              If you have ever fired a scoped weapon you would know that the scope actually does sway coz its not possible to hold it 100% steady. And when you are trying to hit something 200+ meters away the scope sway is really notisable


              • #8
                Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

                Yeah, even if you have the weapon on a bipod and stationary, your breathing will cause your sight picture to move.


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

                  I have fired i scoped weapon before, i used to own a scoped rifle for 7 years.

                  To me, looking through the scopes while prone does not recreate the massive scope sway that you see in games today.

                  Maybe if you have just ran 1 and half miles then quickly go prone while still out of breath.

                  The fact still remains that this type of sniping in game is just not as fun FOR ME, when i miss someone i was shooting at i like to think i missed because it was my fault because i was off target, not because my crosshair was dancing across my screen.

                  Am sure some people love this type of sniping where you need to hold your breath, but for me its my pet hate, nothing more nothing less.


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 vs 1942 Sniperzoom

                    ^^Whats the problem exactly? You hold your breath, and the scope sway goes away. Not that hard really

