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European Pre-Order

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  • European Pre-Order

    I'm wanting the Gold edition for the 360.

    Anyone found it available yet (UK version)??

    Found the PS3 gold version easy enough but nothing for the 360.

    Edit: Nevermind, found it. Looks like it's an HMV exclusive... > Linky <

  • #2
    Re: European Pre-Order

    Why order the gold version? waste of money when you can gain all the weapons ingame FREE.


    • #3
      Re: European Pre-Order

      Havockids got a good point.

      I ordered regular off, they don't have gold available yet. Plus they are supposed to be participating in the early demo (or so i was told).

      Either way, ill get the demo either on the 29th or the 5th. When im at work so it hardly matters anyway lol.


      • #4
        Re: European Pre-Order

        Originally posted by Flamesfan_21 View Post
        Havockids got a good point.

        I ordered regular off, they don't have gold available yet. Plus they are supposed to be participating in the early demo (or so i was told).

        Either way, ill get the demo either on the 29th or the 5th. When im at work so it hardly matters anyway lol.
        I don't think they are, i ordered mine and e-mailed them to confirm. i got one back saying they knew nothing about the early demo access or the free weapon code.. :cry:


        • #5
          Re: European Pre-Order

          I checked the BFBC site and if you click pre-order it lists as the only participating UK store.

          They had better not be lying. lol.


          • #6
            Re: European Pre-Order

            Thats what i thought. i sent them an e-mail back with the link to the official website pointing them out as participating... i also asked them why they where on there but have yet to have a reply... i think someone has made a huge cockup somewhere and they don't want to admit it


            • #7
              Re: European Pre-Order

              Lol, ahh crap.

              Im glad you told me because i was wondering about that, it says their participating but doesn't seem to have a clue whats going on lol.

              Let me know if you get a reply on that mate, i would like to hear what they have to say :salute:


              • #8
                Re: European Pre-Order

                Have sent another e-mail, will let you know if i get a reply


                • #9
                  Re: European Pre-Order

                  The pre-order with is for the sniper unlock. The official site doesn't say anything about early access to the demo for or any other European retailer. It only says EU Retailers to be added. Check the link below.



                  • #10
                    Re: European Pre-Order

                    There is still hope!

                    I have just received this e-mail from

                    We are currently confirming with EA whether we will be receiving codes
                    or not.

                    We should be finding this information out today but have not been
                    given a specific date/time as to when we will know for sure.

                    As soon as i find out any more information i will let you know.

                    Kind regards -JW


                    • #11
                      Re: European Pre-Order

                      Hopefully it will be good news


                      • #12
                        Re: European Pre-Order

                        Originally posted by sGkillfest View Post
                        There is still hope!

                        I have just received this e-mail from

                        We are currently confirming with EA whether we will be receiving codes
                        or not.

                        We should be finding this information out today but have not been
                        given a specific date/time as to when we will know for sure.

                        As soon as i find out any more information i will let you know.

                        Kind regards -JW
                        Please let us know m8 when you hear anyhting :thumbsup:


                        • #13
                          Re: European Pre-Order

                          Nice one, sGkillfest, let us know if you hear anything.

                          Cutting it a little fine tho aren't they. :laugh:


                          • #14
                            Re: European Pre-Order

                            Originally posted by Flamesfan_21

                            Cutting it a little fine tho aren't they. :laugh:
                            Just a bit, I have an image of someone at getting a memo asking them if they have spoken to ea yet... followed by a few frantic phone calls :laugh:

                            Hmmmm i wonder if someone in the UK could pre order the game from an american site... get the demo code and cancel the pre order.........

                            Im off to do some googling


                            • #15
                              Re: European Pre-Order

                              Originally posted by sGkillfest View Post
                              Just a bit, I have an image of someone at getting a memo asking them if they have spoken to ea yet... followed by a few frantic phone calls :laugh:

                              Hmmmm i wonder if someone in the UK could pre order the game from an american site... get the demo code and cancel the pre order.........

                              Im off to do some googling
                              LOL let us know if you have any success :thumbsup:

