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Unknown and underestimated games

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  • Unknown and underestimated games

    I think there are many games out there, which are real jewels but they are mostly underestimated by the press, or just missed by the gamers.
    Maybe sometimes these kind of games with an average rating have some issues and edges, but having a core which just drags and thrills you.

    I want to start a thread about these maybe sometimes misunderstood, sometimes just overlooked games you would recommend. So this is no place for all the battlefield and call of duty games everyone knows.

    I for myself have discovered horror-adventures for myself. I thought these old adventures like Monkey Island and Indiana Jones are dead, but they're living on in a bit more action oriented but anyway clever games.

    One of these, which also became one of my favorite games at all, is Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of Earth. It is based on H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu-Mythos. This game has an absolutely thrilling and stunning flair, very dark, very mysterious. The puzzles are rather complicated and there's much action in it but the atmosphere and story are absolutely perfect if you ask me. For horror gamers a very well piece of art.

    Another, newer game, is Penumbra Overture. I played the demo and it instantly dragged me, forcing me to buy it. It is the first part in a series, of dark horror adventures, more puzzle oriented, but also with a bit action and a good step forward concerning controls. You can, just like in half life 2, drag and drop everything around, doors are not opened by just clicking but dragging them. Play the demo and try it out, if you like these kind of games just try the demo.

    The third game I would recommend is Worldshift. In germany it has already been released and the critics gave it just an average rating. But I think, especially if you have someone who you can play coop with, it is your game. You have a squad, with soldiers and officers in a steam-punk like setting, where you kill monsters for artifacts. With them you can upgrade your troops and give them better attributes. The levels play mostly like dungeons in MMOs and the whole game is based on multiplayer. I would just say, download the demo and try it out, especially if you have someone you could coop with.

    And now, tell us about your underestimated or unknown masterpieces.

  • #2
    Re: Unknown and underestimated games

    Deus Ex.
    Planetscape: Torment
    Spellforce 2


    • #3
      Re: Unknown and underestimated games

      Maybe you could categorize and explain them a bit?


      • #4
        Re: Unknown and underestimated games

        Spy Hunter for the C64!!! :yay:


        • #5
          Re: Unknown and underestimated games

          Deus Ex is very well known.

          Penumbra I did play, got stuck and couldn`t been asked to continue. Was a scary game though.


          • #6
            Re: Unknown and underestimated games

            SimCity 4.

            Pretty old and 2D, but it's a masterpiece in my eyes (being made by Maxis and all). Sweet graphics and great gameplay, I played it like a madman on my old computer You can build all sorts of different cities, from small farm towns to huge commercial centers.

            Visit and you can download custom buildings and the NAM, that improves the citizens "AI" and gives you more transportation options. You can make huge regions with millions of inhabitants or small agricultural societies.

            Not a game for everyone but I love it!

            Oh and just a heads up, don't buy SimCity Societies. It's horribly dumbed down and not fun at all.


            • #7
              Re: Unknown and underestimated games

              That's more what I meant. I think the games Dairuka mentioned are well rated and known, Sim City 4 is in my mind as being only average. Maybe I'll give it a try.


              • #8
                Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                Originally posted by Firippur View Post
                That's more what I meant. I think the games Dairuka mentioned are well rated and known, Sim City 4 is in my mind as being only average. Maybe I'll give it a try.
                It's a bit hard to get into it though. I was really confused about everything in the game the first week or so

                Unfortunately there's no demo


                • #9
                  Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                  If you consider those three games well known - you live in a world of obscurity, cause thats where they came from.


                  • #10
                    Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                    Originally posted by Dairuka View Post
                    If you consider those three games well known - you live in a world of obscurity, cause thats where they came from.
                    Planetscape: Torment
                    The game sold about 400,000 copies, according to game designer Scott Warner, [1] and received almost universal critical praise;[2] it has since become a cult classic. The game was added to Gamespy's "Hall of Fame" in August 2004,[3] and to Gamespot's "Greatest Games of All Time" list in October 2005.[4]
                    Deus Ex
                    The game received almost universal critical and industry acclaim, including being named Best PC Game of All Time in a 2007 poll carried out by UK gaming magazine PC Zone.[2] It was a frequent candidate for and winner of Game of the Year awards.
                    And I am not just quoting from wiki either, I remember these games being highly praised myself.

                    Spellforce 2 on the other hand? Never heard of it, so I will give you that one


                    • #11
                      Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                      Good to see the Cult Classics getting recognition. Better late than never.

                      Planetscape: Torment is the only one I'm gonna give you.


                      • #12
                        Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                        Everyone in the UK who gets PC gamer knows about Deus X, they never shut up about it....


                        • #13
                          Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                          Oi Deus Ex is one of the greatest games ever, System Shock 2 as well

                          i dont know about well known but Ive always thought that the Homeworld series was underrated


                          • #14
                            Re: Unknown and underestimated games

                            Originally posted by Iquere « View Post
                            SimCity 4.

                            Pretty old and 2D, but it's a masterpiece in my eyes (being made by Maxis and all). Sweet graphics and great gameplay, I played it like a madman on my old computer You can build all sorts of different cities, from small farm towns to huge commercial centers.

                            Visit and you can download custom buildings and the NAM, that improves the citizens "AI" and gives you more transportation options. You can make huge regions with millions of inhabitants or small agricultural societies.

                            Not a game for everyone but I love it!

                            Oh and just a heads up, don't buy SimCity Societies. It's horribly dumbed down and not fun at all.
                            I used to play Sim City 4 and I'm a member of that site.

                            Played it in my days before I played FPS games. Good fun.

