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grenade killer

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  • grenade killer

    I recently learned a little trick/glitch that has some interesting effects and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

    I was messing around in an empty server walking on helicopters and crap and I found a hole on the back of the attack chopper that you can throw a grenade through. At first I thought it would just kill the pilot, so I logged in on another computer and put an enemy in the cockpit to try it out. Apparently when the heli is occupied by an enemy the grenade doesn't explode. Not only does that grenade not explode, but any grenade thrown by any player will not explode after that for a seemingly random amount of time. Sometimes it lasts for a few seconds, sometimes up to five minutes. A friend and I had a nice rock fight with the dud grenades.

    If you have some time, try it out. Maybe someone could figure out how the amount of time is determined.

  • #2
    Re: grenade killer

    LOL, you tricked me with that Location: asdfasdfas Posts: 123412389


    • #3
      Re: grenade killer

      It's funny, no one ever noticed that before.


      • #4
        Re: grenade killer

        Haha that is good.

        And I'll have to try that grenade thing out tomorrow.


        • #5
          Re: grenade killer


          Seriously? The first actual new peice of information in months and one person responds? Wow. Sinking ship for sure.


          • #6
            Re: grenade killer

            Originally posted by Chael View Post

            Seriously? The first actual new peice of information in months and one person responds? Wow. Sinking ship for sure.
            lol but i dont think anyone would get that close to an enemy heli and be able to throw a nade in there


            • #7
              Re: grenade killer

              I guess that's mostly true. I haven't done extensive tests, but I am pretty sure it won't work on friendlies. But if you're sneaky like me, maybe you can sit on the chopper before an enemy gets in. Or you could try it on an empty server with... you know, a friend.

              Lol, thanks for replying. I just want at least a few players to be aware that it's an option.

              If anyone's up for a rock fight, PM me.

