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A Few Questions

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  • A Few Questions

    Just a few basic questions about the game (picking it up after school today).

    1) If you beat the game, can you still roam around the city, or how exactly does it work?

    2) Are there still garages (like in previous games) that allow you to park your car and get it later?

    3) If you call the police to a location, will they actually look for illegal activity and proceed to arrest/chase the criminal?

    *Same question for ambulance/fire, but for their respective role.

    4) What's the health system like? I don't recall seeing any health bars or anything of that sort in the previews, but I may have just overlooked it.

    Thanks for your help. :salute:

  • #2
    Re: A Few Questions

    Originally posted by .t1|Kodak
    Just a few basic questions about the game (picking it up after school today).

    1) If you beat the game, can you still roam around the city, or how exactly does it work?

    2) Are there still garages (like in previous games) that allow you to park your car and get it later?

    3) If you call the police to a location, will they actually look for illegal activity and proceed to arrest/chase the criminal?

    *Same question for ambulance/fire, but for their respective role.

    4) What's the health system like? I don't recall seeing any health bars or anything of that sort in the previews, but I may have just overlooked it.

    Thanks for your help. :salute:
    1) Of course.
    2) Yup. No mod shops tho.
    3) Sort of, you can steal the cop cars when they search for the crime.
    4) Basically, dont go crazy and try and kill everyone. Cops after 3 stars will own you, hard.


    • #3
      Re: A Few Questions

      1) Yea you can still roam around and do what ever you want, you can still continue to do Police "side-missions" and things like that

      2) Yea, but not for the first safe house (I don't think so anyway, didn't notice it) - Garages are different now tho, you can park the car outside in the special "Parking for Residents" space and it'll save it there, no more having to back up into the garage, and I think this also prevents multiple cars in a single garage, but you could technically have lots of bikes, not tried it out too much (as I don't have the game, friend does)

      3) Yea, they show up and ask who called about the crime, they'll look for a crime and if nothing they'll walk up to you and ask you whats up. Same for the others

      4) Health is shown around the circle of the radar map, green is your 'normal' health, blue is 'armor' -> Max Health will show as 50% of the circle, max armor will show as the other 50% - so if you have both you'll have a full coloured circle with green on left and blue on right... haven't seen what its like if you add armor when you have low health (not sure if the blue just adds onto the green or always shows up on the right side of the circle)


      • #4
        Re: A Few Questions

        Alright, but let's say there is a crime, will the officer actually start chasing the suspect? It would be cool if that really happened.

        Thanks for the replies guys, I can't wait to try this stuff out.


        • #5
          Re: A Few Questions

          Maybe. I have seen cops shoot at people for whatever reasons, but theres not many crimes on the streets as far as I have seen. Neat thing is, when your a vigilante, you can actually kill the people your after and the cops won't come after you. (I think other games, cops would still come after you?)

          There are also Car Washes. Your car gets dirty with blood or what not, go to the car wash and it'll become clean


          • #6
            Re: A Few Questions

            Can you go through a car wash with a person on your hood? lmao.


            • #7
              Re: A Few Questions

              Patton, Cops do chase you on vigilante missions... but they'll "go away" once you complete the mission... but you can call for backup and they'll help you... I think they only come after you if crash into them/shoot at them... but I have noticed they'll come after me when I'm shooting at the criminals... :/ but the cops will shoot at you and the criminals :/

              and if there is a crime, the police do go after them but they usually just shoot the person, tho it was 2 gang members shooting other gang members...


              • #8
                Re: A Few Questions

                I have a few questions too:

                1) Are there weapon bribes? E.g. If you get Busted or Wasted you can buy back your weapons for a certain fee.

                2) Are there vehicle side-mission checkpoints? E.g. If you get to level 5 on Paramedic does it save your progress? So if you restart Paramedic you will begin at your last checkpoint.

                3) Is there driver damage? E.g. If the cops are shooting at your car do you take damage?

                4) Is there a discoverable feature option in the map display? E.g. You can select to show the hidden packages you have collected or the unique jumps you have completed.


                • #9
                  Re: A Few Questions

                  Not sure about most, but I know the answer to #3.

                  Yes, you can be shot while in the car (especially prominent in multiplayer games), but it's pretty hard if you're moving.

                  I just got the game yesterday and haven't discovered half of what the game has to offer, so I'll post back with more answers as I discover them.


                  • #10
                    Re: A Few Questions

                    1) If you get wasted, you'll keep all your weapons and lose I think abot $50 but it could be more. If you get busted you'll lose more money and all your weapons, but you can't buy them back, you might be able to buy them back later on in the game tho (not sure)

                    2) There doesn't seem to be any Paramedic/Taxi/Fire side-missions, tho I think you can unlock Taxi stuff later on (you do a few missions as a taxi driver for roman anyway) - for the Police one it does show up in Stats that you're on Level 10 or whatever

                    3) Ya, they aim for you sitting in the car and you'll get shot a few times, you can die whilst still in your car driving away from gang members or police...

                    4) Negative... "hidden packages" are now flying rats, you have to shoot them, USJs you have to find even if you've already completed them...

