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Bot Servers

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  • Bot Servers

    We currently host a fairly popular AIX bot server and I would like to throw up a second server to host a different mod with bots and what I need are suggestions on which mods you think would be best to try this with.

    I know there are several popular "gpm_cq" mod servers being hosted by clans like Tactical Gamers and I am not looking to compete with those servers. The mod servers I am hosting are strictly bot servers because not many clans host fulltime bot servers for the community......

    I would appreciate any suggestions you folks could offer.

    Thanks- Mitch

  • #2
    Re: Bot Servers

    Now that the latest version (1.7) has been released, I'd suggest US Intervention as a bot server.

    Foward Line of Own Troops [FLOT] has a bot server and a Conquest server running the US Intervention mod. and

    EDIT: Now that I thought about this overnight, I suppose that if FLOT is running one and it's not realy popular yet, why would you want to run another one so close to theirs? My bad, I didn't put too much thought into it.

    I'd have to say with how popular the CKW BEST OF AIX is getting, you might want to try to run two configs again. Like what we tried before with separating Air maps from Ground maps... or, there's the stock AIX maps and Map Pack maps (which are mostly remakes of classic maps, etc.).

    There's always The Dark Maps which run under AIX, too. Those seem to be well liked and would make good ground maps.

    I've found a good repository of map packs. TDG (the Dark Group) packs are ready for AIX use and there's MERC maps packs for AIX, too. Perhaps those might be interesting for a second server?


