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Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

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  • Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

    I would have thought they would make the fecking things go uphill again when you've come to a stop!

    Jeezuz. The amount of times you have to roll back, then go forward after the tank just sits there like a dead duck - normally as Pilum-wielding primates are descending on your ***.

    "MOVE DAMMIT!!!!!"

    Please DICE. Can we have v1.45 Final Final Patch that addresses this? And also the bulletproof SB's on titan roofs. And turrets that fire through titan walls. And.....

  • #2
    Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

    I agree... Especially the Nekomata, that thing slides back down again the whole time

    Your sig is so not true btw (my sig is the proof hehe)


    • #3
      Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century



      • #4
        Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

        LOL OWNED


        • #5
          Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

          LOL OWNED


          • #6
            Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

            I have gotten killed so many times going up a hill in a tank as it makes you a big juicy target. the tank has many short comings in BF2 and in 2142, for example, why can't the tank blow up commander assets, as in real life it could vaporize a UAV trailer.


            • #7
              Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

              Originally posted by FURRY BIRD View Post
              I have gotten killed so many times going up a hill in a tank as it makes you a big juicy target. the tank has many short comings in BF2 and in 2142, for example, why can't the tank blow up commander assets, as in real life it could vaporize a UAV trailer.
              Good point. Even if it took something like 10 tank rounds to do it. They can destroy everything else - why not the assets?


              • #8
                Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

                LOL OWNED


                • #9
                  Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

                  Originally posted by Killerus View Post
                  probably for balance reasons. Tanks have alot of ammo. If you could destroy assets with the tanks, people would sit in the base all round just shooting the assets.
                  That and all it would take is some time spent on any empty server with a friend and figure out a couple of reference points and the angle to shoot at and you could be taking out assets from a loooonnnggg way away.


                  • #10
                    Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

                    LOL OWNED


                    • #11
                      Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

                      LOL OWNED


                      • #12
                        Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

                        yes sometimes I have the impression I am driving a 10hp Lada that cant go over a little hill.


                        • #13
                          Re: Tank transmissions in the 22nd century

                          Originally posted by Killerus View Post
                          probably for balance reasons. Tanks have alot of ammo. If you could destroy assets with the tanks, people would sit in the base all round just shooting the assets.
                          Well that's war, that and it gives the engineers something to do.

