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Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

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  • Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?


  • #2
    Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?



    • #3
      Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?



      • #4
        Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

        i am always a good neighboor to people in game. It's called leading by example. When people see other people doing things to help random teammates they will often pass that along to someone else. Before you know it you might actually have a server full people helping each other to win.


        • #5
          Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

          i pick most people up if they are not to far away(like 2 minutes driving and a jeep spawns in 30 seconds). but i take people and take them i think they are needed. unless they ask me to do bring them somewhere. but i'm not willing to share things if they get us into problems(in a firefight when hiding from a sniper giving someone med? dropping gives away your location and holding it makes it impossible to fire back so he must wait till it is safe). but after problems are over he can get whatever he wants. im not selfish but tend to help the team instead of one person.


          • #6
            Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

            LOL OWNED


            • #7
              Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

              LOL OWNED


              • #8
                Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                LOL OWNED


                • #9
                  Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                  LOL OWNED


                  • #10
                    Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                    LOL OWNED


                    • #11
                      Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                      LOL OWNED


                      • #12
                        Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                        LOL OWNED


                        • #13
                          Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                          LOL OWNED


                          • #14
                            Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                            I always try to be that at least, but of course I miss stuff sometimes when there's a lot of fighting going on :P


                            • #15
                              Re: Are you a "Good Neighbor" to Your Fellow Soldiers?

                              Originally posted by Killerus
                              i am always a good neighboor to people in game. It's called leading by example. When people see other people doing things to help random teammates they will often pass that along to someone else. Before you know it you might actually have a server full people helping each other to win.
                              Ah yes, a perfect example of the butterfly effect.

                              Unless under heavy fire, I will always thank the medic or support who heals or resupplies me. Or the driver/pilot who gave me a ride when I asked for it. I will always try to give a team mate a ride if they're not too far. (And since I usually play with my mini-map zoomed in all the way, if I can see the yellow flashing dot, they aren't ever that far.)
                              What I've also been noticing is this growing trend for people to use........... OK, I'm drawing a complete blank, I don't remember what the label is on the commo rose. :hmm: But it's the one that will say things like "Alright" "Right-O" "Understood" etc as a form of "You're welcome" Maybe EA should add a specific "You're welcome" directly to the commo rose. I know I'd be using it.

                              (HA! Spellcheck wants to change "commo" to "Communist" :laugh

