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In the "Zone"!

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  • #16
    I like it the most when you're on Camp Gerbillater and everyone is jam packed at the entrance to the Toll Station. You just come through with your squad, one after another, just taking down everyone in sight. Someone refuses to give you ammo, you shoot him in the face and your squad member takes his kit, and you keep steamrolling.


    • #17
      I had a good time the other day while I was in the zone.

      I jumped into a Highway Tampa map halfway through the round and the first thing I did was jump in the gunship. There was an enemy tank near the closest flag so I started lining up on him, but took some heavy fire and bailed before the gunship broke apart. I parachuted down with 11 health and took a quick Pilum shot to finish off the tank and retake the flag.

      I jumped in a fresh tank and went to the next flag where some heavy fighting was taking place. Some guy decided to unload his AA turret against my tank so I handily blew him away and started taking down the flag. He respawned and tried to sneak behind me, but he missed with his Pilum so I finished him off. After the flag was taken, I went back into the field where a number of tanks were dueling.

      It seemed that every round of ammo I fired was touched by the hand of God since each tank instantly blew up as I shot them. I was eventually knocked out of my tank, but I was still running around sending critical Pilum shots that devoured tanks and jeeps alike. At that point I was amazed to be doing so well with 11 health to my name. I was killed on my way to a gun turret but I went 17 and 0 before that death counted against me.

      I was in the zone and it felt good to be a jack-of-all-trades with the different vehicle and infantry kills.


      • #18
        i was in the zone. with r3koil but he left before the round ended. [media][/media]


        • #19
          my in the zone was in suez titan, and i was in the EU tank, and got a 12 kill roll before i got nailed by a pilum.
          my other was in camp g, and i was in a corridor, and oppsite of an enemy beacon. they kept coming down, i kept killing, but just as i was to get my 10th kill, i died. i was so mad. then a teammate of mine destroyed the beacon....
          i was pissed....


          • #20
            Looks like your KDR is improving, hoohahguy! Too bad you'll always have those 5 purple hearts (don't worry, I got 2 myself when I first started!).


            • #21
              ya- i used to get 10-15deaths a round, but now its around 5-7....
              im pretty happy with myself. but unfortunately, i got grounded and i cant play BF 2142 as much anymore..... and i just got pretty good too....
              but now im working on my piloting skills. im getting good at it too!
              (now if i can just find another pilot in the skies....)


              • #22
                Re: In the "Zone"!

                LOL OWNED


                • #23
                  Re: In the "Zone"!

                  the SMG ALWAYS finds its target. it's the best gun in the game. in short bursts i always hit who i intend to and rarely waste ammo. well, until i get spooked in CQ and spray like a madman, missing to die with one shot. lol.


                  • #24
                    Re: In the "Zone"!

                    Originally posted by Unzen
                    We whinge and biatch about the game, but there are times when you feel like a one-man army. :salute: Nothing you do is wrong and everything goes your way. Used you last Pilum round? The commander's already got the supplies parachute on the way.

                    The SMG finds it's target everytime and seems to drop people with half the ammo. Then come the grenade throws. You know the ones. Where you couldn't bang the nade against a barn door at 10ft - yet now you throw it through the smallest of gaps and it nails the bloke taking cover behind.

                    Being 'in the zone' is a bit like gambling, imo. You have a bloody lucky streak and naively think it will continue into the next round. Except it normally doesn't!
                    It is so nice to get those rounds, and you wish they could go on for hours, as it would make up for the times you get you're *** handed to you.


                    • #25
                      Re: In the "Zone"!

                      I've had plenty of times while I'm in the zone too - the game just flows so smooth when that happens. Snipe a guy, snipe the guy again after he's revived, snipe the reviver, kill a knifer with your pistol, then grab his kit and revive your dead teammate. Or ramming a dude with your FAV, then switching to gunner position and gunning down the other. Or better yet, taking down 4 guys in a row with one Scar clip and pistol rounds. Zones are sweet...if only they could become a more frequent zone :P


                      • #26
                        Re: In the "Zone"!

                        Doing a 20 kill streak with the FAV on CGibraltar is damn funny. Especially if you killed XxFIGHT-CLUBxX countless times.

