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The 30 Kill Gold Class Badges + AA Unlock

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  • The 30 Kill Gold Class Badges + AA Unlock

    I am not sure it is 30, because I have gone past this many times for Engineer, but for Support, Recon I did get those. Each time, they were past 40+ (near 50), then their is the silo captures included, and helping team mates. I am trying to get these and tired of being the crazy man.

    Also, I did get my SAAW86, and I am so amazed at the weapon, that sometimes it is funny to use. Better than those positioned AA sentry weapons. Watching pilots, even transports pull back, thinking someone is on their six. They start manuavering like crazy. But today, the weapon got me kicked out of a server (=Gunz=), bc I was at silo1 (Suez Canal map) defending, and these Gunships can turn a game over nicely. I bring out the weapon (bc they can be annoying), to get em off of the silo, and the enemy titan of course near by where the gunships come from, and also return to the titan to repair. Kept aiming my weapon in that direction, while at silo1, and I end up bringing down a few Gunships. I get kicked, for camping enemy titan, when actually I am at silo1 (on the building north of Silo1). Admins decision to kick me. Wow...that is a first. How do you not use your AA weapon at Silo1, to prevent from getting kicked, when these gunships are ruling the titan games?

  • #2
    You have to have 50 global hours under a certain kit before you're eligible for the gold badge. After you have 50 hours, THEN get 30 kills with that kit, you will receive your gold.



    • #3
      Yes, I am aware of the hours. I did pass em. But I am sure it is not 30. It is more, than that. I did get my Recon, Support. Each time, I did get my gold medal, it was more than 30 kills. For example my last Gold was around 48, including silo captures (trying to prevent silo holds, and only get kills), help with kills, helping team with stuff (giving goodies "ammo" and such). I have counted, with difficulty. I do not know if one kill consists of 2 points, or something is wrong. I am tired now, so I am unable to think at the moment. Had a busy day. So, if my writing, grammer is off. Blame my job. :-)


      • #4
        Don't worry about GUNZ, they are a bunch of pansies. My clan regularly owned them all in the gunship until we were all banned (first it was for "hacking", then it was for disrespecting admins, lol)


        • #5
          Is =GUNZ= different than =GUN=? I was banned from =GUN= for what seamed to be simply killing one of them on Suez Canal.

          As for your question, you can probably chalk it up to one of the many quirks of 2142. I've never gotten my Titan Defense Medal, which I should have gotten a loooong time ago, and could have many times over if it were a repeatable one. Yet once in awhile I'll receive my Assault Bronze, or Good Conduct Ribbon again. Go figure. :hmm:

          Oh yeah, 1 kill = 1 point, and nothing else counts towards that except kills.


          • #6
            Well, I finally got my engineer gold, and only getting one silo, I ended up with 48 before getting it. Something is very wrong, about the 30 kill thing, or I am not seeing something. I do not have to be the crazyman anymore. But from that, I did some thinking about being kicked from =Gunz= server. I can understand if I was just sitting where I was, without capturing the silo, then pointing the AA weapon to the titan, then I could of course be camping. But the silo was captured, and blue. We were trying to hold it as much as possible. And these gunships can really turn a game over. I sure made the pilot of the gunship busy, even just by aiming the AA weapon to him. All this flip, and flopping, forward, backwards, up, down, going in circles. Then I fire, many rounds, because he was repairing at the titan, and tried to return to silo1, but I finally got him, then I see message to kick me. Wow..


            • #7
              Well, you're a bit new with SAAW. Truth is that it's probably the most *hated* weapon in 2142. I usually start a round with it, move around the map where the air action is, shoot down 2-3 different pilots a few times each from different positions (usually out of nowhere) and I still get kicked regularly, with or without warning. Sometimes they get so frustrated they spend the round just chasing me with their gunships, which is good for my team. But 90% of the pilots are not that good or patient to play in this "hot" situation, especially in some clan servers where they're used to wipe the map with gunships.

              The SAAW has only about 27-30% accuracy, so it's just ridiculous to blame someone for using it properly, even camping a silo or a flag, because you have a full gunship against a foot soldier. The only pro for SAAW is that, if you take care covering and shooting behind or sideways as they pass by, they don't have a chance to locate you while they're flying. Just an example: I was in a clan server, I was shooting down their general pilot a few times in a row, then his buddy from my *own* team comes in with him and try to locate me in my cover, even takes a few shots along with him. When I dropped their gunship down a again, I was kicked immediately.

              My advice is, use the SAAW as much as you like, but don't become too attached to it, because you'll end up kicked half the rounds you play (sadly).


              • #8
                haha, being kicked for being a threat to the opposing team. That's a good one. Back in bf2, armourwhores used to vote kick out good engineers because of their clever use of landmines. tsk tsk tsk, vehicle whores never change.

                I'd say you keep doing what you're doing to counter the enemy efforts. If they can't learn to fight smarter and have to resort to kicking you off the server, then they are the real losers in the end

