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Coming Back

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  • Coming Back

    Alright, in the past I've purchased BF2142 twice... Yes, twice. I originally lost my CD key and had to purchase a new copy, then later after my second purchase ended up selling it (not sure the reasoning).

    But, I've decided to get it again - I need a change from BF2 and CoD4.

    So, I've got a few quick questions:

    -Is it worth it to buy Northern Strike?
    -*If so, is the only way to get it off of the EA downloader?
    -1.40 is the latest patch, correct?
    -What other things should I know?

    Thanks guys.

  • #2
    I don't play NS that often anymore. But yeah, nice maps. If you can find a server in your vicinity, you might want to get it.
    I think you once were able to buy it in stores, but only to find a key inside with which you can download from EA Downloader. I don't think there's another possibility.
    1.40 is the latest, right. With Highway Tampa.
    Well, about the other things. Don't forget to regularly manually update your PB Client. You should be fine. Oh, and don't play on FF=Off servers.


    • #3
      Alright thanks...

      Yeah, I was thinking it would be similar to BF2 for how FF affects gameplay (nade spamming and such).

      I guess I'll get it without NS to begin with, see how it's going, then maybe get it.

      Thanks for your help.


      • #4
        NS is completely worth it if you really like the game overall. Great maps and awesome gameplay if you find a nice squad

        Good luck with playing again, it's really hard to be good at first when you've played other games for a while


        • #5
          Well, just got it... it came with NS (Deluxe edition or some shiz like that)

          See you on the battlefield :P

