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intel core 2 duo overclocking

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  • intel core 2 duo overclocking

    I have an Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 CPU running at 2.33ghz. I overclocked it to 2.45ghz. How much more can I overclock it? If it is safe to OC it more, what should the voltages and FSB speed be?

  • #2
    it depends what kind of mobo you have ?


    • #3
      iv got a MSI P6N SLI Series (MS-7350 v1.X) chipset: nVidia nForce 650i SLI chipset.

      Tech Specs here:


      • #4
        You can about a 3.4ghz safe, 3.6 absolute max on air.

        I have my E6600 stable at 3.4ghz.


        • #5
          Why 3.6 max? If you have a good mb (say with P35 chipset for high fsb), chip and you know what you are doing then 3.8+ stable is possible. Of course not all chips are good and you might be limited to much lower oc. 6550 had 7x, so 7x550 would be ~3.8


          • #6
            That's the chips natural limit on air. To get higher, you would need a huge Vcore which would only work on water or tec.


            • #7
              i might OC my CPU,

              offtopic @ blade
              u dont need to ahve ur Specs in ur sig anymore, thers an option in ur User CP, :P


              • #8
                Dunno how your board works but my Asus P5K like most Asus boards automatically sets the Vcore for you. Problem with that is that even with it at stock values the Vcore is always higher than the CPU requires. I currently run my E6600 at 2.8Ghz with an undervolt of 1.225V. The stock Vcore is meant to be 1.3V. I've had this chip up to 3.0Ghz with an undervolt.

                So make sure you control the Vcore and then go from there. Oh and get yourself a copy of TAT (Intel Thermal Analysis Tool) you'll get folk saying they have OCs of 3.2Ghz and that they are running the CPU has a load temp of 33C, thats' rubbish is more often than not because they are measuring the temp from the wrong place.

                For example my Asus board and it's software PCTool says my PC idles at 28C and maxs out at somewhere around 39C. According to TAT it actually idles at about 40C and maxes out at around 53C, according to this

                I have been asked by the original author to remove this guide as it aparently breaks USA Copyright laws see message below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright KATANAUK, I am the author of the Core 2 Duo Temperature Guide...

                those are about normal.


                • #9
                  wow thanks so much guys!

                  so let me just make sure I have all of this straight:

                  i should be able to safely overclock to about 3.4ghz while running on air cooling. but in order to do that i have to increase my Vcore voltage first. Is that correct?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bladecx321 View Post
                    wow thanks so much guys!

                    so let me just make sure I have all of this straight:

                    i should be able to safely overclock to about 3.4ghz while running on air cooling. but in order to do that i have to increase my Vcore voltage first. Is that correct?
                    Only increase the voltage if you are experiencing instability. Don't necessarily jump to 3.4 try and get there in increments.


                    • #11
                      You can do 3.4Ghz if you really want but to be honest you won't find anything other than e-penis bragging that will require your C2D to run at 3.4Ghz.

