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Demo servers

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  • Demo servers

    I tried the demo out about a month ago, but I upgraded my computer, so I just redownloaded it. I see that there appears to only by 2 demo servers online now. Any idea why this is? When I tried the demo before, there were more than that.

  • #2
    Why not play the trial of the full game?Its till the 26th.


    • #3
      Originally posted by stephensolofo View Post
      Why not play the trial of the full game?Its till the 26th.
      I just downloaded that and will try it out, but there will still just be two demo servers when the trial is over...


      • #4
        then get the full game after the trial, problem solved.


        • #5
          Well when i played the demo a month or so ago there was around 5 servers,make sure the filters are off.But the demo wont really matter once you have tried the full version.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Manzi View Post
            then get the full game after the trial, problem solved.
            I probably won't have time to fully evaluate the game during the trial. We're not all 18 with lots of time for gaming. If I play 2 hours a week, that's a lot, so if I want to decide if I want to buy the game, the demo will have to convince me. So far I'm leaning towards no simply because of some nubs that I played with last night. They vote kicked me a few times and the only reason I can think of is because I'm a n00b to the game and wasn't doing that great. If people act like that, then I certianly don't want to associate with those kinds of players.


            • #7
              One of the weirdest things happened in one of those demo servers for me...

              It was a full 16 man server. And there was this one dude who was "commanding" with VoIP and telling others what to do. From his voice i'd say he's age is something 16 or above. Then we lost one round, and he started screaming to everyone how "n00bs" we are, and how his win streak went bad because of this.

              After a while some other dude from our team said to him, that "Dude wtf you are crying, this is a demo of an game. You don't die if you loose once." He sounded like a 14+ year old.

              Apperantly the older guy didn't appreciate this comment coz he disconnected.

              But anyways, i was amazed that the older guy acted like a little girl. And the younger guy acted so mature. Since usually this thing is the other way around. The 14 year old, screams like a baby over VoIp and some older guy tells him to suck it up and stop screaming...


              • #8
                Noobs are a part of any game.Grosskopf make sure you have voip on.Lots of people offer help if they see you having difficulty playing.But theres always going to be arses in any game,their the same kind of people on the DA server for bf2.

                But if there is one thing no decent wic player can stand is a support player gaurding 2 heavy arties with his aa while the armor players get raped by the other team's air.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by stephensolofo View Post
                  Noobs are a part of any game.Grosskopf make sure you have voip on.Lots of people offer help if they see you having difficulty playing.But theres always going to be arses in any game,their the same kind of people on the DA server for bf2.
                  I had VOIP on the first time I tried the demo, but it actually got annoying because people were talking SO much, I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. I hope to be able to give this game another chance, but I really need to try it on a small server so it's not so hectic.


                  • #10
                    Hmm,well you might have had a bunch of chatty cathy's.I find 8v8 the most fun,assaulting a cp with just the right amount of every role is amazing.

                    Use the Q key to mark out stuff to,its really helpful if you dont feel like talking,


                    • #11
                      heck im lucky if i get 2 hours of gaming time.


                      • #12
                        I was only playing the demo a few weeks ago and there were like 10-15, check your filters maybe..


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cherni View Post
                          I was only playing the demo a few weeks ago and there were like 10-15, check your filters maybe..
                          Filters were all set correctly. There were only 2 demo servers with both being in Europe.


                          • #14
                            Well im guessing they moved their servers to the real game.SO any better experiences gross?

