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What Are You Lookin at Punk?

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  • #16
    Doug need to lose some weight. GO kill CTs or something XD


    • #17
      Im not talking about the whole server world. Im talking and making a lot more sense about TGN members. Face it, if Tf2 has 227 hours played and CSS only 100, TF2 is more popular


      • #18
        :yay: May TF2 live long and prosper!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Oli View Post
          Im not talking about the whole server world. Im talking and making a lot more sense about TGN members. Face it, if Tf2 has 227 hours played and CSS only 100, TF2 is more popular
          The numbers speak for themselves. And those TF2 hours are basically you, hawkers, skag, moob and a few others. Most members in that group are pretty inactive. But right now TGN definitely loves TF2 .

          And about TF2 POTD's - most of them are just you and hawkers doing a few admincommands. Pretty lame if you ask me.


          • #20
            I play TF2 to balance out the hours of CSS games I have to play in which most people are cheating, configging, not running the anti cheat Bleh bleh bleh

            that pic reminds me of the fatboy mutator for unreal tournament, more people you kill the fatter you get, was awesome


            • #21
              3 out of 50/60/70 or so POTD's? Yes most of them are, i can definitely see where you're not coming from you have good theories doggie (not)

              TGN loves TF2. And that's a good thing. If people want to play TF2 and submit TF2 POTD's let them. If you don't like the fact that TGN loves TF2 then it's your own arrogance stopping you from enjoying the ride.

              Oh and btw:

              15 members, 11 playing actively. So its not me, Skag, Hawkeers and Boobs so get your facts right, grow up, and stop whinging about everything


              • #22
                thats really strange yet cool.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Doggie52 View Post
                  But right now TGN definitely loves TF2
                  Wazzup with the sad face?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Oli
                    Oh and btw:

                    15 members, 11 playing actively. So its not me, Skag, Hawkeers and Boobs so get your facts right, grow up, and stop whinging about everything
                    And out of the total time played for clan more than half of it is the four you mentioned. blablabla...

                    Oh come on, this is ridiculous and ghey. I was wrong about some things, I admit that. Let's get on with our lives, shall we?


                    • #25
                      CSS sucks.
                      well it doesnt suck..
                      but TF2 is just better.

