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Next Sogek1ng video

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  • Next Sogek1ng video

    Hey everyone. I was feeling like making a video, so yesterday I played 3 games and recorded all 3. Well long story short. I went on some server that had all clan members on it. It was 5v5, but after two rape games someone said I was hacking. Well the next game they all went on one side and two were watching me play. As I cared since I was recording it. I guess they thought if it was 6v1 they should win. Keyword was should.

    Right now I only have half of it done, since WMM is being dumb right now, and wont compress the rest without an error. I think it's funny when you watch the demo file cause of all the people on my UAV and no one on my team

    I have the demo file if anybody wants to watch it. It funny. I will add it later.

  • #2
    I love the song...

    Eazy-E the real OG.. :guns:


    • #3
      Yay my picture made it :yay:

      That guy's about to get blown up at the end. Good video.


      • #4
        wait until you see the whole thing ; ) its gets better.


        • #5
          A bunch of five year olds with marty just begging to get owned.

          GJ Soge... that part at the end needs to be continued! Awesome!


          • #6
            lol, nice one soge, gold shotty ftw!!!

            need to see the part at the end!! lol


            • #7
              They deserved it! Nice vid soge Can't wait for the full video


              • #8
                It is going to be a week. My computer is being lame, and I don't have my XP disk. My keyboard and mouse are not working in any way,so I need my disk to reinstall some files. I won't be able to do so until this weekend. I think I am also going to reformat too. It's about time for one.

                Look for it this sunday.I have it done, just can't get to it.


                • #9
                  Remind me to never play against you. :shock: I almost got sea-sick watching your screen move side-to-side so fast. :dead:


                  • #10
                    I wasn't much for the music, other than that, it was good.


                    • #11
                      I have the gold shotti but was never really good with it..

                      Perks Please! ^.^


                      • #12
                        If you didn't gimp yourself with the shotgun, you would be freaking unstoppable.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by =)BiT(=AutoFodder View Post
                          If you didn't gimp yourself with the shotgun, you would be freaking unstoppable.

                          I love playing with the shotty tho. It's so much fun, plus it makes things even. I have no long range weapon beside nades.

                          Here is one of the two files. I had to break it into two files, because my computer was not happy trying to do the whole video at once.

                          Here is the second part, since filefront got it done first.

                          I will add the other one once I get back from the movies.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sogek1ng View Post
                            I love playing with the shotty tho. It's so much fun, plus it makes things even. I have no long range weapon beside nades.
                            I understand the attraction, I just personally like to use weapons that maximize my capabilities. You obviously have a lot more skill with the shotty than I do however, maybe it's just me.


                            • #15
                              Used properly, the shottie may well be the best weapon to use on Vacant. If the player sticks to the shorter pathways and corners, avoiding long open areas where an SMG/AR can get them, then they have a definite advantage with the power of the shottie.

                              I often see the top scorers on each map using them (both for direct kills, and to get airstrikes/choppers).

