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Stealth??? Where...

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  • Stealth??? Where...

    Ok I love the UAV jammer and the silencer it's all great especially with Dead Silence Perk. But that is completely worth less once you fire a single weapon since all weapons have tracers with in my military mind is completly stupid.

    The only weapon that should have tracers is the LMG's I just think they should really try to do with the tracers cause there really is no stealth at all with them.

    And please add a silencer to the sniper rifle attachments cause I mean come on you got one in the single player but not in multiplayer hmm... Also a perk that allows multiple attachments would be cool too thats also a little out of the military ordinary.

    Thats just my 2cents...

  • #2
    Perk that allows for two gun attachments at once would be awesome.


    • #3
      It all about game balance.
      Having undetectable snipers, 2 attachments or 8 perks would break that balance

      Snipers have silencers in single player because its, you know, single player.


      • #4
        Even if you had all that you still could not hide from kill cam.


        • #5
          Well, Battlefield 2 had balanced snipers, they did have tracers, but they didn't have blips that showed up on the radar every time a sniper shot.

          The maps are already small enough to make it hard to camp as a sniper, so I don't think it would matter much.

          Currently, you can be stealthier if you use an AR + Silencer, UAV Jammer, and Dead Silence than if you snipe. It's sad really.


          • #6
            I just dont see how making everyone have tracers is balancing the game??
            It still doesn't make any sense.


            • #7
              i say the Red dot sights should have a laser that u can see with the NVGs on. like in single player just for the exect of going in to a room with like 3 of those lasers going all at once


              • #8
                2 weapons addons would require the loss of all perks to balance it out.

                imo anyway...


                • #9

                  I think it should be a perk 2 slot and take up also perk 3 meaning you can still use perk one for your bandolier or clays etc


                  • #10
                    I started off loving killcam but now it just ruins sniping when youre on a server with it, like on crossfire i was sniping with my barret down the other side of the street, i sniped a guy, next thing i know he was behind me knifeing me, snipers are meant to be not seen and not heard and are meant to kill people when they dont expect it, with killcam thats impossible


                    • #11
                      Snipers in a game are not meant to be inherently superior to other classes.
                      If you could fire completely undetected then just equipping a sniper rifle would be a instant 5:1 k/d ratio.

                      The silenced weapons are stealthier, but they also have to get much, much closer to the enemy.
                      A silenced sniper rifle would have iron sights and need 3 headshots to kill, do you really want that?
                      Stealth is something you use, its not something you equip.

                      As for BF2 / BF2142 snipers, they were balanced in other ways and the gameplay was much different.

                      And contrary to popular belief, most players do not spend the rest of the game hunting down a sniper just because we saw you shoot us in killcam.
                      The sniper ego has to be more overinflated than the .com bubble
                      You can always find a player named sniper something, but how often do you see people name themselves AssaultRifle, LMG of for that matter GrenadeTosser or NoobTuber?

                      I have used sniper rifles in this game, and they are quick and efficient weapons that can easily be used in street-to-street fighting. They do not require you to camp in one spot, if you do that you have only yourself to blame.


                      • #12
                        I just equip my M14 with the silencer and Stopping power, thats a sniper kit just without the scope.


                        • #13
                          This is how things work.

                          If you start playing COD4 for the very first time, youre not supposed to take the sniper kit, become invisible and invincible, one shot killing the newbs off the map. My friends are like that. I introduced one of them to BF2 and COD4, guess which kit/class they took first. Thats right.

                          Youre supposed to get the maps through and through, get adjusted to how the game is being played, how players move, countermove and so forth. Youre supposed to develop both situational awareness, exploitation of maneuvering of the OpFor, and weapon wielding skill. THEN pick the sniper kit, apply experience and knowledge, and play a whole different ballgame.


                          • #14
                            If the extra attachment perk will be be tier 2, I`m ok with it. That way you have to give up some pretty good powerups for the sake of having a another mod.


                            • #15
                              I'm agreeing with Vreki on this one.

                              Sniping in COD4 is much different to say, BF2. Mostly because of map size, killcam, radar etc. There is plenty of games that tailor to the sit-in-one-spot-get-kills type of sniper.

                              Must admit im biased tho, i've always been an in your face type of FPS player, i thrive on chaos, so the sniper has always been the bane of my gaming life. :dead:

