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Video Card question

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  • Video Card question

    Ladies and Gentelmen,
    I have never used a forum post, only to read. I have a question because i am an idiot. I have this amazing totally awesome laptop. it is like the gods of heaven sent down this divine device used purely for gaming. it is a Toshiba Satellite x205 sli, or whatever. the truth, i know nothing about computers, or this thing. all i want to to play battlefield on the best greatest wonderous graphics i can manage. i have 2 nvidia geforce 8600m GT with like 512 mb of memory per card, (sli) that is all i know. can someone tell me what settings i can set on the game video card settings, and the computer settings to make this game blow my mind. i know this sort of a lot to ask, but im stupid and have no idea what im doing. if you want to message me at my email, feel free, but i know i dont know alot about video cards, but i am not completly brain numb..., but i can kick some serious *** with BF2. someone please gimme a try and help me out. thanks for your time...

  • #2
    We are going to need to know the full specs of that 'heavenly laptop', to be able to answer your question.


    • #3
      Sli in a laptop? No wai!


      • #4
        Video Card update-same day

        here is what i can gather from right clicking my computer and device manager and DXDIAG and other stuff i know off the top of my head.

        Manufacturer: Toshiba
        Model: Satellite x205
        Rating: 4.8
        Processor: intel core duo cpu t7250@ 2.00Ghz 2.00Ghz
        Memory(RAM): 2046 mb
        System Type: 32 bit operatiing system-Vista
        2 isolated hard drives; 110 gigs a piece
        Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 8600 M GT @ 1008MB total-it is an sli thou... split it i guess...??? at 512? roughly?

        im routin for you Guru's


        • #5
          All high,with probably 6x aa.


          • #6
            video card update-same day

            i have that setting, set, right now, ill log on, try it really fast on a server. it looks good from before i changed to what you just said, however it video laggs sometimes...i dont think it is internet connection, i got 10 mbps connection on a cable, the base here says that is the best specially for this base... but ill log on and try it really fast...

            i just tried your recommended setting. it looks great, but can it get better? like a COD4 look? or make the trees look more sharp. what if i turn on vsync? what small recommendations can you make to make this game even greater? thanks for your help thou it looks great so far

            everything looks sweet. i was so use to playing on a different computer, and different games i guess i sorta expected the graphics to looks even more sharp. it is probably the engine the games uses. do you have an recommendations to alter the game in a way to make it even more more betterness! awesome grammar there..., maybe a mod that you can add or something, i have been out of the country for a year so i am missing quite alot of addons and fun things to work with...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Foxtrot|-U.S.N-| View Post
              i have that setting, set, right now, ill log on, try it really fast on a server. it looks good from before i changed to what you just said, however it video laggs sometimes...i dont think it is internet connection, i got 10 mbps connection on a cable, the base here says that is the best specially for this base... but ill log on and try it really fast...

              i just tried your recommended setting. it looks great, but can it get better? like a COD4 look? or make the trees look more sharp. what if i turn on vsync? what small recommendations can you make to make this game even greater? thanks for your help thou it looks great so far

              everything looks sweet. i was so use to playing on a different computer, and different games i guess i sorta expected the graphics to looks even more sharp. it is probably the engine the games uses. do you have an recommendations to alter the game in a way to make it even more more betterness! awesome grammar there..., maybe a mod that you can add or something, i have been out of the country for a year so i am missing quite alot of addons and fun things to work with...

              The game is 3 years old. after playing newer games i also asked my self that question. The answer is no.


              • #8
                at least we gave it a try. i will stick with the settings i have untill i remedy something other. the video laggs out every once and while when im in the hewy but i can work with it. thanks for your time and help people. see ya out there, remember if you see my screen name, im an easy kill...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Foxtrot|-U.S.N-| View Post
                  at least we gave it a try. i will stick with the settings i have untill i remedy something other. the video laggs out every once and while when im in the hewy but i can work with it. thanks for your time and help people. see ya out there, remember if you see my screen name, im an easy kill...
                  You should check your FPS (frames per second), especially when you get this "video lag". Just open the console (it should be the ~ key) and type in renderer.drawfps 1

                  some people can play at 30+ FPS, but you should aim for 60+ to get the best gameplay


                  • #10
                    I'm sorry to p*ss on your parade, but the 8600M's in SLI are not very good at all. If you wanted the latest and greatest, you should have gone for the 8800mgtx or 8700mgt. Otherwise, an older card such as the 7950's in SLI would have been better.


                    • #11
                      And to ensure you are running SLi in game, goto the nvidia control panel, under Manage 3D Settings look for BF2 and ensure that you either split fram rendering or either of the alternate frame rendering modes enabled.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by [MyIS]Alex View Post
                        I'm sorry to p*ss on your parade, but the 8600M's in SLI are not very good at all. If you wanted the latest and greatest, you should have gone for the 8800mgtx or 8700mgt. Otherwise, an older card such as the 7950's in SLI would have been better.
                        I had no idea you could sli in a laptop.


                        • #13
                          Yup, you can even get PhysX in them now.

