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CTD, name tags, TK's, Plane views....UG

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  • CTD, name tags, TK's, Plane views....UG

    I downloaded the MOD with high hopes. I played for about an hour....stopped to go look at the website for a few things I didnt understand....went back and played for a couple of hours till the servers started getting empty....then left.

    Sometimes i get a CTD...I looked at the possible solutions others have given and will try that. Its annoying though.

    The name tag farce is even worse. I played a night map...couldnt see squat. I got TKed 3 times and i TKed 3 times. Trying to get a realism type mod is fine, but let us be able to tell each other apart. I dont want to have to study a uniform or helmet for 5 seconds before i die, wait to respawn and do it all over again. Kiling enemies on a monitor isnt supposed to be real...its a game and this mod felt more like work.

    Where are the jet views. Im sure you guys have your own reasons for not implementing them...theres no altimeter or speed indicator....jeez.....seems like you guys could just use the indicators from BF2.

    I read the Wiki, and it says you need a pilot kit for a parachute. Before i spawn in and get the kit choosing screen, theres no pilot kit I end up flying a plane without a chute. Jeez, just give everyone a chute....who cares if it isnt real...I cant even jump off buildings anymore. If I wanted real, Id go play PR.

    The last issue is the german kit....something like panzer****enlagen....I dont know...... that is supposed to kill tanks. I think i put 5 shots in a tank...nothing. How many shots does it take? Am I supposed to be aiming at a certain tracks? Is that replacing a bazooka?

    Im not done with this game....just frustrated. I could prolly live with everything else....except the name tag junk. I can look at a guy from a distance and never know who the hell he is. Its frustrating and annoying and may be the deal breaker. I will keep on playing for a few more days...maybe something will change. Im also posting this on FH2 forums.

    BTW...Ive read alot on this. I know why you did most of the stuff...Im just letting you know my "vote"

  • #2
    I agree with some of your points, i think we should at least have visible name tags on our team members all the time. Also, i think this early in the war all you had was the anti tank rifles, and they only work on light tanks, on heavy tanks the bullet just bounces off.


    • #3
      The pilot kits are on the ground, near the planes. Just hit the G key to switch to it.

      I agree with the name tags. They need to be prominently displayed over your teammates. When I ran my FH2 server, I disabled tk punishment because so many people were punishing for accidental TK's.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GrossKopf View Post
        The pilot kits are on the ground, near the planes. Just hit the G key to switch to it.

        I agree with the name tags. They need to be prominently displayed over your teammates. When I ran my FH2 server, I disabled tk punishment because so many people were punishing for accidental TK's.
        Good idea

        Name tags visable over teammates only would be nice.

        When I am playing FH2 if I see a enemy? and cant tell what uniform he is wearing i hold my sight on him for a second or two,if I dont see a friendly tag
        I pull the trigger the % for tks(for me any way) is about 60/40 but waiting that second or two does get me killed alot.



        • #5
          Originally posted by yoohoo313131
          The last issue is the german kit....something like panzer****enlagen....I dont know...... that is supposed to kill tanks. I think i put 5 shots in a tank...nothing. How many shots does it take? Am I supposed to be aiming at a certain tracks? Is that replacing a bazooka?
          Just as in real life, those big rifles are nearly useless against anything except trucks and APCs. That's what the big grenades are for. 3KG of shaped charge C4 kills anything I've tested it against. The British have a special grenade that sticks to tanks for teh same purpose.

          If you shoot at a tank at close range and you see a little bullet hole where you shot, it means you did damage. Maybe very little damage, but damage. If you don't see it, then stop wasting ammo and use your AT grenades.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jumintiger View Post
            Just as in real life, those big rifles are nearly useless against anything except trucks and APCs. That's what the big grenades are for. 3KG of shaped charge C4 kills anything I've tested it against. The British have a special grenade that sticks to tanks for teh same purpose.

            If you shoot at a tank at close range and you see a little bullet hole where you shot, it means you did damage. Maybe very little damage, but damage. If you don't see it, then stop wasting ammo and use your AT grenades.
            True, all in all you are shooting pretty much a bullet at a tank... also pilot kits are on the floor next to the planes, look before you shout your mouth off next time.

