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Turning off chopper in Hardcore mode ?

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  • Turning off chopper in Hardcore mode ?

    I'm desperate to turn the chopper off on our Hardcore server but cant do it, this is the current config file.

    What am i doing wrong ???

    // Core Server Settings
    set rcon_password "$$admin_passwd$$"
    set sv_privatePassword "$$private_passwd$$"
    set sv_privateClients "$$private_slots$$"
    set g_password "$$game_passwd$$"
    set g_log "server.log"
    set g_logSync "0"
    set sv_pure "1"
    set sv_cheats "0"
    set sv_allowedClan1 ""
    set sv_allowedClan2 ""
    set sv_disableClientConsole "0"
    set sv_reconnectlimit "3"
    set sv_hostname "$$name$$"
    set sv_maxclients "$$max_players$$"
    set sv_allowAnonymous "0"
    set sv_allowdownload "1"
    set sv_wwwDownload "1"
    set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
    set sv_wwwBaseURL ""
    set sv_maxRate "20000"
    set sv_reconnectlimit "3"
    set sv_minPing "0"
    set sv_maxPing "220"
    set g_banIPs ""
    set sv_floodProtect "1"
    set sv_voice "0"
    set sv_voiceQuality "1"
    set scr_drawfriend "1"
    set scr_friendlyfire "0"
    set scr_killcam "1"
    set scr_spectatefree "0"
    set scr_spectateenemy "0"
    set scr_teambalance "1"
    set scr_forcerespawn "1"
    set g_allowvote "0"

    // hardpoints
    set scr_game_hardpoints "1"
    set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1"
    set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "1"
    set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter "0"

    // gameplay
    set scr_oldschool "0"
    set scr_game_perks "1"
    set scr_hardcore "1"
    set scr_oldschool_mw "0"
    set scr_game_allowkillcam "1"

    // Game Timers
    set scr_game_graceperiod "15"
    set scr_game_matchstarttime "10"
    set scr_game_playerwaittime "15"

    // UI
    set ui_hud_obituaries "1"
    set ui_hud_showobjicons "1"

    // FFA
    set scr_dm_scorelimit "150"
    set scr_dm_timelimit "$$timelimit_dm$$"

    // Domination
    set scr_dom_scorelimit "400"
    set scr_dom_timelimit "$$timelimit_dom$$"

    // TDM
    set scr_war_scorelimit "2000"
    set scr_war_timelimit "$$timelimit_tdm$$"
    set scr_war_playerrespawndelay "1"

    // Sabotage
    set scr_sab_scorelimit "3"
    set scr_sab_timelimit "$$timelimit_sab$$"
    set scr_sab_roundswitch "1"
    set scr_sab_bombtimer "30"
    set scr_sab_planttime "2.5"
    set scr_sab_defusetime "5"
    set scr_sab_hotpotato "0"

    // S&D
    set scr_sd_scorelimit "4"
    set scr_sd_timelimit "$$timelimit_sd$$"
    set scr_sd_roundswitch "1"
    set scr_sd_bombtimer "45"
    set scr_sd_planttime "5"
    set scr_sd_defusetime "5"
    set scr_sd_multibomb "0"

    // HQ
    set scr_koth_scorelimit "250"
    set scr_koth_timelimit "$$timelimit_hq$$"
    set koth_autodestroytime "60"
    set koth_kothmode "0"
    set koth_spawntime "0"

    // limits the number of players that can choose each class type
    set class_assault_limit "99"
    set class_specops_limit "99"
    set class_heavygunner_limit "99"
    set class_demolitions_limit "99"
    set class_sniper_limit "99"

    // enables dropping of specified weapon class
    set class_assault_allowdrop "1"
    set class_specops_allowdrop "1"
    set class_heavygunner_allowdrop "1"
    set class_demolitions_allowdrop "1"
    set class_sniper_allowdrop "1"

    // hardpoints
    set scr_game_hardpoints "1"
    set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1"
    set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "1"
    set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter "0"

    set scr_enable_nightvision "1"
    set scr_enable_music "0"
    set scr_enable_hiticon "1"

    set pb_sv_load pbsvuser.cfg
    set pb_sv_messages.cfg
    // Map Rotation
    set sv_maprotationcurrent ""
    set sv_maprotation "$$maplist_541$$"
    Help please ?

  • #2
    If you don't get a quick response here, try the forums at or

    I'm certain I've seen this asked and answered before.

    Be aware though, that if you do this, your server will be UNranked.


    • #3
      You cannot turn of the chopper unless you "unrank" your server. It will then be considered modded. You can either use IW's cookie-cutter modded server in the form of Modwarfare, or you can create your own fs_game folder and run your new "mod" from there.

