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Player Search

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  • Player Search

    Is there anyway to locate a specific player who is playing in COD4. With out having to go thru all the hassle of "Hey bud! What did you say that the server name is?" I have seen in several other games where you can search for their player name and find them that way. Just unsure if it can be done either in game or from some website.

    Thanks for any help that can be offered.

  • #2
    I don't think so. I don't use it, but I'm guessing Xfire or something like that is about the only way.


    • #3
      Nah, nope, nada.

      Its too bad IW didn't implement something like that in the server browser...

      I think honestly, I'm spoiled by the use of Counter Strike's server browser, and the steam friends system.

      Although... you may want to try to save the IP, if your in a server you liked, or you can get the IP, and then just send it your buddies.


      • #4
        None that I know off.

        XFire is your best bet, give it a download and should you happen to have any friends also using it, you'll know which server they are playing on.


        • #5
          Yea, Xfire is your best friend now days, Since in-game friends list, so pretty much a STEAM thing, and less EA and IW


          • #6
            Providing you know their in-game name...


            Is a great tool! :-D

