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Adblock discussion allowed?

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  • Adblock discussion allowed?

    Hey all, I've done a lot of forum searches as well as read the stickied thread on exploits, and I'm not sure if I can post this here or not.

    I just got back into BF2142, and the old way of replacing ads (as detailed in the sticky here) doesn't seem to work anymore. I am sick and tired of being told that Intel is battle tested, and I miss seeing pictures of Mandy Moore all over the battlefield.

    Is there an updated way to replace the ads, or have people pretty much given up on that front? Again, I apologize if this is not allowed here. I can see why replacing the ads might be exploiting, but the next best thing is blocking them, and I don't see how that's an exploit. In any case I'll follow the rules, but I hope this is allowed.


    Heh, seems like the same thing as every other forum I could find. I guess nobody cares about the ads anymore or there's no way to get rid of them with a patch or something.

  • #2
    What country are you in? I never get ads and haven't done anything other than add a block to an I.P. address in my router.


    • #3
      I never get ads, and I haven't done anything


      • #4
        depents. do you have your settings on low? then you wouldn't have any ads. dont know from wich they come. only line of sight i'm sure it won't work.


        • #5
          Nah I'm on max. I have never seen any ingame ads. Not the Northern Strike ones or anything. I thought maybe there was a legal wrangle so they cut them from the UK games but I dunno.


          • #6
            I've seen the NS ones before, and I have everything maxed out. Nothing else though... And I live in California, right next to LA.


            • #7
              i am pretty sure your firewall can block them from updating the adds


              • #8
                I turn my Firewall off before playing 2142.


                • #9
                  Homepage for Total Gaming Network and CS-Nation. Get the latest video game news, previews, and reviews on a daily basis.

                  ^^ That thread has a ton of stuff about in-game ads.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Doshino
                    Is there an updated way to replace the ads, or have people pretty much given up on that front? Again, I apologize if this is not allowed here. I can see why replacing the ads might be exploiting, but the next best thing is blocking them, and I don't see how that's an exploit. In any case I'll follow the rules, but I hope this is allowed.
                    Replacing the ads doesn't seem to be possible any more, but you should still be able to block them.
                    Just remember that the ads will be cached, so it doesn't help to block after they appear.
                    You will need to delete the cache file, or make a reinstall.

                    The linked thread should have all the info you need about how to block.


                    • #11
                      Am I the only one who is completely and utterly undisturbed by ads ingame, and thinks the entire issue is childish? Yes, ads exist in the game, and yes, in principle they should not..but get over it and develop some focus and concentration, people. It really does not take a lot of mental effort to simply ignore them and focus on the game - far less effort, ironically, than coming on here to whine about them and ask how to remove them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Diamond621
                        Am I the only one who is completely and utterly undisturbed by ads ingame, and thinks the entire issue is childish? Yes, ads exist in the game, and yes, in principle they should not..but get over it and develop some focus and concentration, people. It really does not take a lot of mental effort to simply ignore them and focus on the game - far less effort, ironically, than coming on here to whine about them and ask how to remove them.
                        Plenty of threads about that too.
                        And they all ended in flames, so please go read them instead of trying to ignite this thread too.

                        He asked if the ads could be blocked, not how we feel about it.


                        • #13
                          I like the ads - I wish all the billboards had different ones. I like when a new one comes - changes things up a bit!


                          • #14
                            It's a bit different now than in the original instructions. First off the file is stored in the BF2142 install root folder now, I'm sorry I can't remember it's name. And secondly, and most importantly, IGA Worldwide uses iexplore.exe to plant its adware/malware.

                            Since I use Firefox I simply block iexplore.exe in my firewall and this stops it from updating. Do this and manually delete that file (again I'm sorry I can't remember the name) and you'll not have ads.

                            I generally don't have problems with ads.. my problem is that I paid for the game. If it was free then it would be another story.


                            • #15
                              No need to block IE, you can just block 72.3.*.* and 72.32.5.* in your firewall.
                              38.119.38.* gets rid of the other major ad supplier too.

                              Example from my own rules, the ipseccmd tool is available from MicroSoft for free.

                              cd "%ProgramFiles%\Support Tools"
                              ipseccmd -w REG -p "IGA-B-Gone" -r "Block Outbound connections to IGA servers 72.32.5.*" -f 0=72.32.5.*::TCP -n BLOCK -x
                              ipseccmd -w REG -p "IGA-B-Gone" -r "Block Outbound connections to IGA servers 72.3.*.*" -f 0=72.3.*.*::TCP -n BLOCK -x
                              ipseccmd -w REG -p "Massive-B-Gone" -r "Block Outbound connections to Massive servers 38.119.38.*" -f 0=38.119.38.*::TCP -n BLOCK -x
                              net stop policyagent
                              net start policyagent

                              cd "%ProgramFiles%\Support Tools"
                              ipseccmd -w REG -p "IGA-B-Gone" -r "Block Outbound connections to IGA servers 72.32.5.*" -f 0=72.32.5.*::TCP -n BLOCK -y
                              ipseccmd -w REG -p "IGA-B-Gone" -r "Block Outbound connections to IGA servers 72.3.*.*" -f 0=72.3.*.*::TCP -n BLOCK -y
                              ipseccmd -w REG -p "Massive-B-Gone" -r "Block Outbound connections to Massive servers 38.119.38.*" -f 0=38.119.38.*::TCP -n BLOCK -y
                              net stop policyagent
                              net start policyagent
                              The cache file used to be named radial.idb and be in your documents/bf2142 folder.
                              I doesn't seem to be present on my system any more, I don't know if they have changed it or it is because of my block.

