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What is this?

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  • What is this?

    I dont understand what SoldierDeviation is, and what the numbers are based on in the weapon tweaks. Could it possibly be the accuracy of a weapon or what.

    rem ---BeginComp:SoldierDeviationComp ---
    ObjectTemplate.createComponent SoldierDeviationComp
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setFireDev 3.5 0.15 0.15
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev 0.5
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setTurnDev 0 0 0 0
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setSpeedDev 0.85 0.1 0.1 0.15
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setMiscDev 2.5 2.5 0.15
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 1.35
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.15
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModZoom 0.5
    rem ---EndComp ---

    Anyway, I'm looking for the accuracy of the weapons.

  • #2
    here ya go

    This is wha you need. Credit for this goes to MasterChiefRulz of BFSP.
    Thanks goes to me for posting this "how to",lol.

    How do I edit Handheld weapons (Cof, rof, etc)?

    Located in your BF2/Objects_server/Weapons/Handheld you can find every handheld weapon ingame. Here you'll see multiple folders of each handheld weapon, just pick the one you like and edit away.

    For example of some of the basics, we'll look at the usrif_m16a2 folder.

    Inside you'll find multiple little files. The one that affects cone of fire, rate of fire, etc will be the larger of two different USRIF_M16A2.tweak files. Note that before you start making changes, it's a good idea to right click on the file, go to properties, and uncheck "read only" then save. After you make your changes, recheck the "read only" box in the properties.

    Looking through the different paragraphs you come across many different areas that dictate the behavior of the weapon. Say you want to edit the Cone of fire (how far the spread is for your bullets when you fire)... Scrolling through we find

    rem ---EndComp ---
    rem ---BeginComp:SoldierDeviationComp ---
    ObjectTemplate.createComponent SoldierDeviationComp
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setFireDev 2 0.2 0.05
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.minDev 0.3
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setTurnDev 0 0 0 0
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setSpeedDev 1 0.2 0.2 0.1
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.setMiscDev 3 1.5 0.05
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModStand 1.5
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModCrouch 1.3
    ObjectTemplate.deviation.devModZoom 0.8

    Here you can change the numbers for however the player's stance and rate of fire will affect the spread (or deviation) of bullets fired. Increasing these values will cause the deviation to be greater, will lessening them will make the weapon more accurate.

    Say you want bullets to cause more damage per hit? You can modify that in here too. You would find the area of the tweak file that is...

    rem -------------------------------------
    ObjectTemplate.addTemplate S_M16a2Projectile_Looping
    rem -------------------------------------
    ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/0.5/0/0
    ObjectTemplate.material 38
    ObjectTemplate.minDamage 1
    ObjectTemplate.damage 30

    and you would adjust the minDamage (which is the minimum amount of damage) to a higher number (recommended to match it to the damage value just below it which is in this case 30). So that ObjectTemplate.minDamage1 would now say ObjectTemplate.minDamage 30, and thus bullets from the USRIF_M16A2 are that much more lethal per hit as they always score 30 points of damage per hit. Be sure to recheck the "read only" option in the properties and save any changes you make before closing the file.


    • #3
      Thank You!!! Thats what I needed to know.


      • #4
        The minDev is the "base" deviation of the weapon (smaller means a smaller cone, i.e. more accurate).
        devModStand, devModCrouch, devModLie are multiplied by the base when soldier is in those postures.
        devModZoom is multiplied by the base when zoomed.
        Originally posted by Demize99 (DICE)
        MiscDev = jump deviation. Maximum, added Per Jump, and rate of return to 0 when not jumping.
        SpeedDev = Movement Deviation. Max Dev, added for forward back, added for strafe, return when not moving.
        similarly, setFireDev is the deviation added for multiple shots without pausing: maximum, added per shot, and rate of return to 0 when not shooting

