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Stupid glitchers...

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  • Stupid glitchers...

    So there I am, on some nfb server. Far as I know, there were no admins, in nfb's defense... Anyway, me and my friend are on TS and we board their Titan. It's defenses are fairly week and with me and him together, we can overrun it easily. I've got my ids-1 setup, so I know how many there are and where they are at. We go down into the vents and I drop down and I go to corridor 1 and start taking out the sentry gun and support guy protecting it and I get shot in the back by a guy named EkoBravo, I'm like, wtf... Come back and look at the map and there is what looks like someone on top of the crate thing in the cargo hold, I figure he's prone and I didn't notice him when I came out the vent. I podded on the top of the titan, so I knew he wasn't up there. I get in the vent again and my friend is backed against one of those support strut looking things and there are nades flying in. I time it and rush through and get out only to be shot down again by EkoBravo. I finally realized (after seeing nades coming out of the crate) that he was inside of it with a sentry gun placed. You should really see the battle recorder of 'em cuz it's funny. The dude sucks. In the game, he kept saying it was a glitch as the titan moved, he didn't mean to get in there or something, I dunno.. but I watched and he made himself get in it. He set up a sentry gun, came out, saw the gun was poking out of the crate so he went back into it and moved it back some and stayed in there as everyone started coming in. I managed to switch teams so I could get in there and get a screenshot of 'em. I've got the battle recorder of 'em too, so I can get more screenshots and movies if need be. I'll report 'em later, when I feel like it :P And that's not a gun a normally use, for some reason, it didn't spawn me with me kit customized. I came back with the right kit and some rdx and killed him (FF was on )

  • #2
    man something exactly like this happened to me when I was attacking the titan. It was me and three other guys and we all kept getting killed by shots coming from every direction, only to discover it was the same guy and that he wasn't actually there. I bet that's what he was doing.

    I even got knifed in that little area behind the giant crate and no could see no one enter or exit the little corridor.


    • #3
      Well, if you play you are bound to be on when an admin isn't there. We do have forums on our website and we welcome anyone reporting glitchers and padders. We run Battle Recorder on all our servers and although only the latest ones are available to the general public, my admins have access going back a long ways. If you encouter this on any of our servers, please visit our website and post in the Complaints forum. Give us which server you were on, any SS you have, and the time that it happened so that we can pull the correct BR file and review it. It is easy enough to go into the server logs and pull players GUID's and issue bans long after they are gone from the server. Help from players in catching the glitchers, especially on titan where there are still ways into some of the walls and crates, is always welcome.

      Can you give me a date and approximate time that EkoBravo was on the server?


      • #4
        Yesterday, November 05, 2007, 10:54:15 PM (that's when the screenshot was created). I'm Central, American time, just so you know. I got the br of him doing it in two rounds as well. Also, I'm not saying anything bad about your servers, just that I was on one.


        • #5
          It seems that glitching is on the rise. I've run across couple of them in a very short time span. Maybe because the PB has been banning cheatos, so they resort to this as a substitute.

          I was wondering how in earth nades were flying into the cargo hold when my team totally possessed it. True enough they were flying out of wall.

          The other guy set up a sentry gun inside a wall to fire the one vent corridor.

          Never before have they bothered me so much but this almost made me go through the effort of reporting them.


          • #6
            I reviewed the BR file and EkoBravo has been banned from the server. Again, I appreciate players like you that take the time to post a SS and let us know about glitchers. Next time please post on the forums on our website as I spend more time on them and my other admins are there too which will get a quicker response. I just happened to stumble across this thread or else nothing would have been done.

