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Medics - Trick The Enemy

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  • Medics - Trick The Enemy

    Hey BF2 Community My first post here so im not sure if this has been posted or not yet..

    The other day i was on Karkand near the marketplace where the explodable fences are.. a support guy was dug in round the corner spamming his LMG at me... obviously i went back round the corner and got some cover. I knew that he would come to get me so i threw down some medpacs to heal up when i realised that i could make him think i was still there and take cover elsewhere to pop him off. I went and hid behind a fence and sure enough he dolphin dived round the corner only to find medpacs and 2 nades waiting for him.

    Only problem i see with this tactic is that he can use the medpacs if he gets to them in time..

    What do ya think?

  • #2
    Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

    Yes, basically running around a corner and the drop a grenade is a known tactic and quite useful. Adding a med pack to make it more credible is new for me.

    btw. and a bit off topic: laying a claymore on the corpse of a recently killed enemy will kill the medic going to revive. A very detested tactic but useful ;-)


    • #3
      Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

      Hehe Very Sly =] i was just thinking that using an ammo box or medpac as bait is more tempting for the enemy xD


      • #4
        Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

        Please do NOT request help here.


        • #5
          Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

          Originally posted by ElFipso View Post
          btw. and a bit off topic: laying a claymore on the corpse of a recently killed enemy will kill the medic going to revive. A very detested tactic but useful ;-)
          i used to do that with C4...why haven't i done that in the last....year?

          EDIT: you know what else is fun? waiting around a corner (especially as medic) right next to a dead body, so when the medic comes to revive, you yell "CLEAR" and kill his ***.

          of course, that only works when the dead body is in the perfect spot.


          • #6
            Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

            btw. and a bit off topic: laying a claymore on the corpse of a recently killed enemy will kill the medic going to revive. A very detested tactic but useful ;-)
            Never thought of that.


            • #7
              Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

              The claymore on a dead body only works if you happen to be close to the person that was just killed. Plus you would have to be fast enough to plant the claymore and run from the medic that is coming to revive his buddy. Plus if the dead body isnt revived it disappears. Making your claymore easily visible.

              The easiest tactic that works is to either toss nades by the dead body or camp out the body waiting for a medic to arrive and shoot both of them.


              • #8
                Re: Medics - Trick The Enemy

                While sniping I usually put a clay right where I am sniping from...that way if I die "most of the time" people run either to that spot to grab my kit, or to tea bag"

                Either way...I always get the last laugh.

