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Some cheese with that whine...

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  • Some cheese with that whine...

    I am rather new to the BF2 gaming community, as I bought the game only two weeks ago. But I have been playing as much as time and my kids will allow, and I have noticed something.

    For the most part, if I take the time to find the right server, I have a truly kick-*** time playing the game. Especially when I find those rare servers in which people have the same mindset I do going into a game, which is teamwork, correct vehicle utilization, respect of other players, competent leadership, etc. It is truly amazing and enjoyable to no end when I join a squad in which all members have mics, and they all USE them to coordinate attacks, request assistance, etc., and not use them to chat about how their day was ****, or why they feel all funny inside, their voice is cracking, and they MIGHT have found a hair on their upper lip. "D00D! I think I have a mustache!!...."

    Anyways, back to the original intent of this post. What I have noticed in my two weeks of playing this game is how many immature whiners and just complete morons and idiots there are playing this game. I swear, everytime some schmo gets capped, somehow the other player MUST be hacking, because goddamnit! "I'm not suppose to die! I am Uber-skilled at this ****, and no one should be able to kill me. If they do, they are hacking!!" And then they will proceed to initiate a kick vote REPEATEDLY. You think they would notice that after the kick vote fails on the 9th attempt, they would realize it isn't going to happen, and move on. But no! What was I thinking?!?! That would require intelligence. Nope. They don't move on. Instead, they will actually then start to whine to the ENTIRE server population for not kicking this person that (MUST) be hacking.........*sigh*...anyways...

    And then there is, of course, the vehicle sluts. You the the type. The one's that have this delusion that as soon as they join a pub, automatically the vehicle they normally like to use is reserved for ONLY them, and that the server population should KNOW this, and ACCEPT this. Case in point. I was playing on the Gulf of Oman map, and was just waiting around on the carrier for a blackhawk to respawn. I noticed this guy running around frantically...up and down the carrier deck.....and then an F-35 spawned on the deck. This guy runs FULL speed for this jet, but another played spawned right next to it, and proceeded to enter the jet. He then took off, heading towards the battle, and his eventual admittance into the Halls of Valhalla.

    The guy that had been frantically running back and forth between the jet spawn points, then began shooting at this guy who just took off. He then proceeded to make a kick vote against this guy, saying that he wasn't a team player. He then LIED and started to tell everyone that this guy was an extreme team killer, and had tried to kill him 23 times in the last 10 mins.

    THIS was just too much. I truly do not understand this kind of immature behaviour. I honestly think EA should require all players to undergo some kind of "Maturity" test, and anyone who fails gets their account banned, and they can go play the Sims, where they can then indulge in their delusions of grandeur and take out their frustrations on their Sims. I am sick and tired of these egocentric, narcassistic, self-loving retards. So below, I offer my official reply and response to all those people playing on BF2 that deem it necessary to act like mentioned above:

    Why don't you shrink your head and use it as a paperweight? It's not much use for intelligent gaming, that's for sure. If you're going to keep playing like you do, you could at least fake a stroke. If you knew what you were doing, you'd be dangerous. I suggest you heed Mark Twain's advice; "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

    You are about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. I bet you thought it was just coincidence that your parents had the same surnames before they married? Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a mental midget if your brain cells weren't on the Endangered Species list; No, wait. Come to think of it, you would.

    Just when I think, "Surely this person has reached and encapsulates the limits of Online Gaming tedium" you go and push the boundary even further.
    Clearly, you have lost your fingertip grip on reality and have descended into an abyss of irreversible stupidity. Are you always this ignorant, or are you making a special effort today?

    Your BF2 whining is a tedious, homogenised, chameleon-esque joke which amounts to nothing more than the demented cacophonous racket of a drugged lunatic banging loudly on kitchen pots and pans. If there's a mature thought in your head, it's in solitary confinement. If ignorance were a disability, you'd get the full pension.

    Now, why don’t you climb onto that Special Needs tricycle of yours with the fourth wheel attached for extra-assured retard stability and pedal your pasty-white *** down to the store and return your copy of BF2 in exchange for a discount in getting that stick shoved even FARTHER up.....

    And for all those who have shown maturity, and a true understanding of the game, and agrees that teamwork, player respect, and having fun are more important than making sure the next jet that spawns is YOURS, I look forward to seeing you online.


  • #2
    Re: Some cheese with that whine...



    • #3
      Re: Some cheese with that whine...

      Praise the Lord.


      • #4
        Re: Some cheese with that whine...

        Amen. Very accurate depiction of the typical ranked BF2 match.


        • #5
          Re: Some cheese with that whine...

          Single most intelligent post I have seen.

          Yet... This thread is gonna get locked, huh?


          • #6
            Re: Some cheese with that whine...

            Yeah we all have those frustrating rounds. If you like IO, play on headhunters karkand IO server. The admins dont teamstack or squadstack, but instead, split up and a few will lead squads with VOIP. Ive had some great rounds there, having a teamwork oriented leader using VOIP makes this game so much fun. So stop your whining and check them out.


            • #7
              Re: Some cheese with that whine...

              some ppl on tehse forums dont like this server, but the most teamwork/serious playing is on the Texas Teamplayers Server


              • #8
                Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                is your rant on audio-tape?


                • #9
                  Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                  Originally posted by Chael View Post
                  Single most intelligent post I have seen.

                  Yet... This thread is gonna get locked, huh?
                  Ignore this idiot...People like him likes to see good threads go away.(not just all kids and tards exist on servers... they are here as well)

                  But anyways back to the subject. Yep, welcome to the world of BF2 ranks where everyman is named John Rambo and every vehicles has their names on it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                    You're not as funny as Dane Cook.


                    • #11
                      Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                      Welcome to the game...

                      You've missed out on two years of the exact same thing.


                      • #12
                        Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                        tl;dr, I quess it`s some whine about people being whiners, amirite?

                        EDIT: I read it and it was pretty amusing.


                        • #13
                          Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                          what gets me is hes whining about......well.......whiners
                          doesnt anyone see the irony here


                          • #14
                            Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                            Sgt. Hallock,

                            Welcome to the Battlefield 2 community. For only having the game two weeks, you have nailed the typical BF2 player and there attitude. Also you will see the same folks that whore before said vehicles to be extremely upset when they do not place in the top 3 in the game with there air "dominance". You will run into so many that really don't understand how to win a BF2 round. Stalking down your enemy and killing them is the quickest way to lose. By default, you have to kill players in this game. To win this game you have to get more flags, if you only concern is to get you and your squad from flag to flag capturing as many as you can, and kill only who is trying to stop you or in your way, you will win games. I so enjoy the stupid idiots that can't figure out that simple fact, that to win you must have more flags. I hope you enjoy your BF2 time and you have the right mindset to win alot. Good Luck to you.


                            • #15
                              Re: Some cheese with that whine...

                              Welcome to BF2 community

                              I suggest trying UT3 demo, I am slowly going back to where I belong and what I've always loved

