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Ghost Flying

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  • Ghost Flying

    I'm not sure if this has already been discovered, but on an empty Wake server, I decided to see if I could "ghost fly" (like ghost riding, except instead of walking next to your driver-less car, your flying next to your pilot-less airplane).

    Anyway, I don't have a video (don't have FRAPS), but for mild entertainment, hop into a jet on an empty server and pitch the plane vertically while on full thrust.

    Then at about 500 feet let off the thrust. Make sure to maintain the vertical position and once your plane slows to 400 mph, jump out. Don't use your parachute. If you jump out and your plane isn't vertical, you'll either get hit and killed by the plane, or the plane will fly too far away from you.

    At first, the plane will rocket above you, but then it'll fall back down. Once it's close to you, just spin around the plane and aim for the cockpit (use the WASD keys to move around). Once you're close, spam 'E' to get back in. If you get hit by the moving plane, you die, so make sure you're near the cockpit when you are spamming E.

    I was able to get in and out of a plane twice so far. I tried going for three, but didn't have enough time and fell to the ground.

  • #2
    Re: Ghost Flying

    i saw a video a long time ago of a plane doing a backflip while the pilot free fell (word?) only to hop back was spectacular. i wish i was talented enough to do it.


    • #3
      Re: Ghost Flying

      its a pretty cool but old stunt. (btw just about aall stunts in bf2 have been in movies so theres usually nothing new to do)

      but i still havent been able to get this stunt down. i tried a couple of times and hten gave up. and instead of spamming E, u can juust hold it down for hte same effect


      • #4
        Re: Ghost Flying

        ive got this trick down. its pretty easy once you practice with or without a friend on a empty jet server for 2 hours


        • #5
          Re: Ghost Flying

          but i still havent been able to get this stunt down.

          When your character is free falling from high distances you can accually slow down or speed up.

          For example, if you are falling and looking at the ground you will fall faster and in a relative verticle arc. However, when FF, if you look forward and press "w" or forward you can coast a pretty good distance depending on the height.

          This is how it sometimes appears the plane is moving towards you when it is you who is moving towards it.

          If known, disregard post.


          • #6
            Re: Ghost Flying

            I've done it a couple of times but it took ages to get it right


            • #7
              Re: Ghost Flying

              w,a,s,d dont do nothin to your just use your mouse...look up to go forward turn the mouse the turn and look down to go really fast


              • #8
                Re: Ghost Flying

                I miss the realism.


                • #9
                  Re: Ghost Flying

                  i think its a good idea and a cool "discovery" =) thanks dingle


                  • #10
                    Re: Ghost Flying

                    Go on tell me how jumping out of a jet and back in is a good idea? Or is it just kudos?


                    • #11
                      Re: Ghost Flying

                      Originally posted by G0ggy View Post
                      Go on tell me how jumping out of a jet and back in is a good idea? Or is it just kudos?
                      just kudos...i dont really think "realistically" its a good idea lol


                      • #12
                        Re: Ghost Flying

                        I'm all wrapped up in realism, nerf nothing!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Ghost Flying

                          im not really bothered, i play cs mostly so


                          • #14
                            Re: Ghost Flying

                            Please no, I thought you had more about you than CS!!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Ghost Flying

                              Good way to break a missle lock; i've done it.

