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Unranked Server Showing Ranked

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  • #16
    Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

    Please, not another one of these topics? Wasn't the last one enough?


    • #17
      Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

      Originally posted by MyRankSucks View Post
      Any chance you could send me a pm or tell me this information please?

      At first, I was surprised that someone would have the nerve to publicly ask that on the forums but then I saw your join date, so I will cut you some slack. However I have to agree with FMJ Power that it’s highly unlikely anyone here is going to tell you how to do that because as he said it is a violation of the EA terms of service and to be quite honest many of us are working to have these servers shut down.



      • #18
        Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

        Private rankings....


        • #19
          Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

          Here are the facts as they have been explained to me by EA.

          1.Mod servers can be hosted on a ranked image provided they are installed by the clients GSP.

          2.If a Mod is being hosted on a ranked image the provider must not allow the server to be started in ranked mode.

          3.Providers are not permitted to allow clients access to any of the files on a ranked image other than the BF2cc & PB folders. * This applies to individual game servers as well as dedicated boxes.

          4.GSP that knowing allow this type of activity to take place are in violation of their ranked server provider agreement. or RSPA for short.

          5.Clans or individuals that are hosting mod servers on a ranked image and are displaying the ranked icon are in violation of the EA terms of service or TOS for short.

          Bottom line here is that the servers and providers that are doing this are breaking the rules and EA will take action if you have your facts and evidence in order and you push them hard enough, however as I mentioned in previous replies, it is a time consuming process and will require a commitment on your part to follow through on it.

          If you are going to report one of these servers, don’t waste your time by submitting a report on one of the non affiliated sites, report them directly to EA and eliminate the middleman. Another piece of advice, try going to the GSP first as I have some success in getting them to cooperate with me and this can save you a great deal of time if your fortunate enough to be dealing with a reputable GSP and they are willing to voluntary comply.

          Anyway just a thought but I think that those of us that are serious about trying to put a stop to this might want to consider trying to work together to pressure the providers and EA to take action as we might get quicker results if it is coming from more than one person. Basically let’s pick a server and or their provider and address them one at a time together as a collective group as opposed to simply debating this issue on the forums.



          • #20
            Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

            5.Clans or individuals that are hosting mod servers on a ranked image and are displaying the ranked icon are in violation of the EA terms of service or TOS for short
            the BOC clan's POE2 server should be shut down then.


            • #21
              Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

              Originally posted by Scott_995
              the BOC clan's POE2 server should be shut down then.
              Its a total of 3-4 that are like this.


              • #22
                Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                BOC found out they were on a ranked server and told their service provider and now they aren't ranked.


                • #23
                  Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                  Originally posted by jilted
                  BOC found out they were on a ranked server and told their service provider and now they aren't ranked.
                  really? Cause last night it was showing up as "ranked" again.... perhaps they changed it back again today.


                  • #24
                    Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                    Originally posted by jilted
                    BOC found out they were on a ranked server and told their service provider and now they aren't ranked.
                    They turned it right back on a couple hours later and by they I don't mean their provider.


                    • #25
                      Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                      Ah, lookie there, guess I was wrong...


                      • #26
                        Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                        Originally posted by FBmantis View Post
                        They turned it right back on a couple hours later and by they I don't mean their provider.
                        started to lose that constant flow of "new" players during those few hours I reckon...


                        • #27
                          Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                          wow, ohh well, what can you do...... its just unexpected because i got a pm from on of their members saying they were sorry and they wouldn't run it ranked.


                          • #28
                            Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                            *Why* is this topic still being beaten?

                            Seriously, I hope some of you guys think about what you are trying to accomplish here....let's see, if you are wrong and players are joining the BoC server because they like it, regardless of rank, then they *might* come over to other servers once it shuts down...

                            but if you are *right* and players are seeding that server because of the rank image, then when it shuts down those players who, according to your hypothesis only see the ranked servers, will no longer play PoE. They'll just wander on to the next chevron I just don't see how shutting any servers down serves anyone's larger interests...keeping players playing.


                            • #29
                              Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                              There is no interest in shutting down any server. The goal is to level the playing field for servers and take away the ranked crutch so it stays out of mod land. Whether BoC wants to talk about it or not, right now they are the only remaining US based server doing this. If they would correct the mistake like they should then finally for at least a while every US based server will be on equal grounds for drawing in population every night. Plus heh...maybe those players that never uncheck their ranked filter will finally question why a mod that was recommended to them would have no US based servers.


                              • #30
                                Re: Unranked Server Showing Ranked

                                A possible solution for the mod teams would be to modify the BF2 menu to remove the "Ranked" checkbox and force the option to be off. That would reduce confusion for newbies and make sure all the available servers are shown.

