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dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

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  • #31
    Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

    Originally posted by illusion987
    I am asking for him to get on HIS teamspeak calm down kiddo...
    No probs looking forward to speaking with you. But not tonight. I am extremely busy atm. I don't play BF2 24hrs a day. In fact I haven't played BF2 for a long long time. However I'm still looking after the technical side of our game servers. I run my own IT business, have a family, a 5yr old son, a wife with a broken leg atm unfortunately. So I have a cripple in a wheelchair and a 5 yr old son that I'm sure you understand come 1st. As you can see things are a little hectic atm. But rest assured, I squeezed in sometime just for you in the last couple of days and I'm sure I can squeeze in some more to speak with you on our TS.

    So if you can swing by our TS tomorrow sometime I should be around at some stage. To easily check if I'm on TS or not, why not try our handy TS viewer on our home page on the left hand side of the site

    Also would you mind if we record the conversation, and if so, may we use it for future training purposes?

    I'm also looking forward to some handy hints about running BF game servers. I'm sure you have a wealth of knowledge.

    Speak with you soon.


    • #32
      Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

      dude i know you think i am joking about actually helping you with your server...But I dont hold a grudge...Raging rebels has been around since bfv as far as I know and has been a great server and will continue to be...I just hate seeing it go empty night after night and truely want to help your server and I know a little trick that will help you out...Just a hint take a look at our server history and you will see that about 4 months ago we were ranked like 40 or somthing and then the graph shoots straight up pretty much and keeps climbing...That was no coincidence...That was a move by us that made us raise in rank... And I feel i owe it you to help you out...Even though you publicly bashed me...


      • #33
        Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

        Originally posted by illusion987 View Post
        dude i know you think i am joking about actually helping you with your server...But I dont hold a grudge...Raging rebels has been around since bfv as far as I know and has been a great server and will continue to be...I just hate seeing it go empty night after night and truely want to help your server and I know a little trick that will help you out...Just a hint take a look at our server history and you will see that about 4 months ago we were ranked like 40 or somthing and then the graph shoots straight up pretty much and keeps climbing...That was no coincidence...That was a move by us that made us raise in rank... And I feel i owe it you to help you out...Even though you publicly bashed me...
        I know you thought I was joking, though I am generally interested, server owner to server owner in hearing your thoughts on running a successfull server. I will definitely concede without a doubt that you don't get ranked in the top 10 of BF2 servers worldwide without doing something right, so in fact I :salute: you for that, and I'm genuinely not being sarcastic. Your average player count is very impressive. You are obviously doing something right.

        If you read in that other thread we have had an IP change that has hurt us a great deal. I'll be the 1st to admit I didn't think it would have made much of a difference but I was wrong. We were top 40 ranked with only 50 max players for what 2 years and had a high 40's average player count. We also, only in the last 2 weeks, got an extra dedicated box and have put up more flavours of game servers, mainly though to be ready for games like QW and Crysis on their release dates. Ironing the bugs out of the different setups and configs has taken me almost 2 weeks so far. I thought one server was a mission to look after 6 servers is a nightmare. :hmm:

        Anyways time for me to kick back, sample some of Oz's finest beer VB's and mellow out for a while and enjoy the rest of my evening. I'll speak with you sometime tomorrow on our TS.



        • #34
          Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy



          • #35
            Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

            Originally posted by AnaalDuck UK View Post
            That one was reset a long time ago.

            This is the current dA|Illuzion account in question.

            I hope it gets reset too.


            • #36
              Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

              31,000 kills and 3000 deaths wtf hacks ftw



              • #37
                Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                Hi, you just busted my nuts and showed the BF2 community how much of a sad POS I really am for hacking. Can I come over? We can bake cookies and drink hot chocolate!! I'll then kiss your butt and show how you can have a top ranked server too!

                I may not have much as far as stats are concerned but at least I can say I got them the honest and hard way!


                • #38
                  Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                  I sense uberpwnage in the air.


                  • #39
                    Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                    This forum needs a section exclusively for this kind of thread. BTW I find it ironic people call illuzion a script kiddie with no life and stuff like that. No life? Who the eff are you to talk? you go around taking PB screenies of people because they kill you so god damn they must be a hacker! Makes sense, you definetly have a career in law enforcement >_>

                    And hell, if I remade my account and SOLEY whored vechs I'd have a godlike set of stats too. But alas, I don't really care that much about stats and I have my pride NOT to use vechs.

                    Edit: As im reading more posts it seems to me that most of the people posting are just repeating what everyone else is saying without really understanding so they sound stupid and like I said before the ones who actually do seem to have a bit too much time on their hands :P


                    • #40
                      Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                      Originally posted by illusion987 View Post
                      Those screen shots dont prove anything...Your still mad cause we kicked you from our server like 2 years ago...I remember you posted about it on bfroe forums and got shot down.[/IMG]
                      I think that those pics prove everything... If not plz tell me why not. I wanna understand your logic.


                      • #41
                        Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                        They play on their own bought server that for some odd reason isn't streaming to the MBL What a way to cheat and not get caught.


                        • #42
                          Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                          Originally posted by CQ-Reborn View Post
                          This forum needs a section exclusively for this kind of thread. BTW I find it ironic people call illuzion a script kiddie with no life and stuff like that. No life? Who the eff are you to talk? you go around taking PB screenies of people because they kill you so god damn they must be a hacker! Makes sense, you definetly have a career in law enforcement >_>

                          And hell, if I remade my account and SOLEY whored vechs I'd have a godlike set of stats too. But alas, I don't really care that much about stats and I have my pride NOT to use vechs.

                          Edit: As im reading more posts it seems to me that most of the people posting are just repeating what everyone else is saying without really understanding so they sound stupid and like I said before the ones who actually do seem to have a bit too much time on their hands :P
                          It takes ~30 minutes to do what they did in this thread, which is bust a particular lowlife's arse for about the 3rd/30th time.

                          On the other hand, it takes several months to get a "gaming community" up, it takes time to get a few stats paddable servers up, and it takes seasons to get your server ranked around 6th. It also takes a slight amount of money to be repeatedly banned by PB, buying new CD-keys again.

                          Frankly, I'd call the latter "having too much time on [their] hands".

                          The only thing I envy is that he has an army of suckers, sorry, admins, willing to pay £15 to suck him off, sorry, "admin the servers".


                          • #43
                            Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                            Silly rabbits.


                            • #44
                              Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                              This bottom feeder is spread across the various community ban lists more than any other single player I have ever seen. Known long term community pond scum.

                              Originally posted by GSG9xSNIPER View Post
                              Anybody who plays on DIGITAL ANARCHY now would be FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Anyone that hasnt figured out this is a wasteland of total dbags doesnt get around much or is desperate for a full map rotation. I visited once and was tkd out of a chopper seat by a DA admin within seconds of getting into the game.

                              Get gets flat OWNED by known community admins and still cant eat a handful of crow and fess up. Fing rediculous. I would love to see an image of this pot mark faced 300lbr sitting behind his L shaped desk next to a sea of empty cans bottles wrappers and dirty dishes. All the while screaming PWNED at the people he hacks on.

                              I love how you DA guys rushed to our ventrilo when we wiped your asses off our DCON server. I spec'd you the second you spawned in and watch the pure hacks flow. You just ran right to everyone, no UAV, throwing nades in windows of buildings where no players ever go, without even looking or seeing them in advance.

                              This isnt anything about server rank. This is about this scumbag hacking consistently since the games launch and being called out persistently for it as he should be. Go ahead insert your standard worthless comeback of if I ran one map I would be number one as well.

                              [PBBans:17336 12.04.2006] f4faba38ef8bcf1aa06699a61******* "dA|illuzion" "69.108.***.)))" "GAMEHACK #89173"

                              [PsB:4625 V00B06736] f4faba38ef8bcf1aa06699a6119**** "dA|illuzion" "69.108.***.***" GAMEHACK #89173

                              [PsB:7851 V00D04FEB] 2e9c69a79f7887b3afc000ea97**** "dA|illuzion" "69.232.***.***" AIMBOT #50012

                              You can find as many banlist entires for them as you want to take the time to search for.


                              • #45
                                Re: dA|illuzion still a script kiddy

                                In case the morons at Digital Anarchy didn't notice the post below me.

                                FMJ = #1.

                                Therefore if dA! believes itself superior because it's server is #5, then that must mean that FMJ is vastly superior because it's #1!

                                And since most FMJ members say that dA! is a D-bag wasteland, then that must be so. Because they are superior to dA!

