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New Qauke Wars screens!!

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  • #16
    Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

    Originally posted by alecs36
    Sorry guys, seems as if the developers left out the 'higher-end' graphics in the beta so the game would be easier to use for all testers.

    I've also read (from different posts i'm seeing now in the forum) that the rumors were true. Seems as if the highest we're playing now is missing fetaures in the full game.
    That tends to happen when you ignore what's in front of your eyes and take other people's word for it :laugh:


    • #17
      Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

      Camperstrike stop denying the game will look that good. It already does in my eyes.


      • #18
        Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

        Originally posted by alecs36
        Camperstrike stop denying the game will look that good. It already does in my eyes.
        No, I'd rather take information from my senses, thanks. Many of the effects in the screenshots (blast waves for instance) are not in the actual beta.

        The sheer tone of the images is also different. All the screenshots have some form of fogging that makes the image look splendid. The beta does not. Even if you crank up the anti-aliasing to 32x, you probably wouldn't get the same effect. The second screenshot down in the first post looks like something out of PR's Al Basrah. You DO get similar graphics to the screenshots in BF2, save bump-mapping. Colour temperature also looks different between screenshots, with it being "cooler" in-game.

        The most misleading screenshot is this:

        Get real. They advertised Tiberian Sun with similar imagery. C&C Renegade. BF2, even.

        This is where you see all the 8800 special effects, plus the fog effect, with heavy, and I mean heavy anti-aliasing. The end result is that the screenshot looks a million times better than anything we will ever see in-game. There is even depth-of-field in there, look at the explosion.

        Regardless of that, the gameplay is what I'm buying the game for, not some retarded smoke trails.


        • #19
          Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

          Whatever, either way the game still looks this good:

          IGN’s home for the latest game trailers, including new gameplay, cinematics, announcements, and reveals. Subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when new trailers arrive, that includes during events like Nintendo Directs, Sony State of Plays, E3, The Game Awards, Gamescom, and more. Check out our playlists for trailers coming to your preferred gaming platforms like PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. For more content, visit or check out our other channels: IGN - IGN Games - IGN Guides - IGN VR - IGN Movie Trailers - This is only a small taste of the videos and content available from IGN. Get more, visit

          So lets shut up about the game not looking good.


          • #20
            Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

            Originally posted by camperstrike View Post
            No, I'd rather take information from my senses, thanks. Many of the effects in the screenshots (blast waves for instance) are not in the actual beta.

            The sheer tone of the images is also different. All the screenshots have some form of fogging that makes the image look splendid. The beta does not. Even if you crank up the anti-aliasing to 32x, you probably wouldn't get the same effect. The second screenshot down in the first post looks like something out of PR's Al Basrah. You DO get similar graphics to the screenshots in BF2, save bump-mapping. Colour temperature also looks different between screenshots, with it being "cooler" in-game.
            with mega draw method set to 0, i get the slight fogging effect that u see on the one of 2 screenshots offical shots of the beta map. Fog is map dependant, as the game does not require fog for performance reasons like bf etc.

            The most misleading screenshot is this:

            Get real. They advertised Tiberian Sun with similar imagery. C&C Renegade. BF2, even.

            This is where you see all the 8800 special effects, plus the fog effect, with heavy, and I mean heavy anti-aliasing. The end result is that the screenshot looks a million times better than anything we will ever see in-game. There is even depth-of-field in there, look at the explosion.

            Regardless of that, the gameplay is what I'm buying the game for, not some retarded smoke trails.
            and what are you comparing that screenshot against? you do not have that map in the beta, you think all maps will have the same environmental setting?

            Its not heavy anti aliasing, its a high res screenshot scaled down. Depth of field? looks to me just blurring because of the fog settings of the map. Depth of field in gameplay is usually applied when using zoom/ironsights gimmiks not a floating camera screenshot.

            I fail to see how its misleading. Perhaps you just really want to be mislead.


            • #21
              Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

              I agree, as i already pointed out you can't compare the beta map to the other maps, they're simply so much different. But Camperstrike is, well seems to be, a conspiracy nut.


              • #22
                Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

                Originally posted by HellToupee View Post
                with mega draw method set to 0, i get the slight fogging effect that u see on the one of 2 screenshots offical shots of the beta map. Fog is map dependant, as the game does not require fog for performance reasons like bf etc.

                and what are you comparing that screenshot against? you do not have that map in the beta, you think all maps will have the same environmental setting?

                Its not heavy anti aliasing, its a high res screenshot scaled down. Depth of field? looks to me just blurring because of the fog settings of the map. Depth of field in gameplay is usually applied when using zoom/ironsights gimmiks not a floating camera screenshot.

                I fail to see how its misleading. Perhaps you just really want to be mislead.
                Unlike BF2, the fog here is aesthetic, yes. But fogless looks worse.

                "and what are you comparing that screenshot against? you do not have that map in the beta, you think all maps will have the same environmental setting?"

                I'm comparing that screenshot to previous over-hyped screens of games. It looks like something right out of a Tiberian Sun FMV sequence.

                "Its not heavy anti aliasing, its a high res screenshot scaled down. Depth of field? looks to me just blurring because of the fog settings of the map. Depth of field in gameplay is usually applied when using zoom/ironsights gimmiks not a floating camera screenshot."

                Uh, that IS anti-aliasing, supersampling is the name for that technique. Again, look at the explosion, which is crystal clear compared to everything else.

                "I fail to see how its misleading. Perhaps you just really want to be mislead."

                Pass me some of the good ****. Stop being so defensive, it's not as if it's your 2 years of hard work + few days of photoshopping I'm criticizing. Every games manufacturer does this. It was done for the entire C&C series, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem, a few RPGs, meh, practically every commercial 3D game out there. They even make Warrock and CS 1.5 look good :dead:

                I love how I'm called a "conspiracy nut" when you seem to have your head so far up Splash Damage's arse that you can't even tell the difference between pre-release hype shots and in-game screens.


                • #23
                  Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

                  Camperstrike, learn how to take a joke, anywase:

                  (From the IRC Q&A with Splash damage just recently)

                  [LoX] asked: are the graphics in beta a good representation of the final product. I'm also referring to framerate
                  Locki-SD answers: Not at all. There are improvements to come in optimisation, settings that improve the visuals, and maps that have more detail (depending on the gameplay goal). You'll see some big differences in the coming weeks.
                  Now that rests the question, the game does look better retail version, they're not '' misleading '' you or whatever you wanted to think camperstrike. The other maps are simply so much more different than the beta map 'sewers', as said in a podcast at from somone who had played more QW maps, they're more unique than what Battlefield 2 saw map to map.

                  See the whole interview here:

                  Part 1:
                  Part 2:
                  Part 3:

                  xQuakewars asked: Will we still be able to play the first map in addition to the 2nd?
                  Wils|work answers: No, the new map will replace the old
                  New map in, it seems, a second beta!


                  • #24
                    Re: New Qauke Wars screens!!

                    Hehe, we'll just have to see. Practically every game released until now has had extra photoshop effects to make the game look better in the pre-release screenshots.

                    When is this second beta coming up?

