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Version 1 and Version 1.41

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  • Version 1 and Version 1.41

    Well... I have made some friends on a server that runs Version 1 and has no intention of upgrading, however some of my friends have upgraded to V1.41. Would I be able to run both versions on the same computer?

  • #2
    Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

    don't think so, but i am not sure....


    • #3
      Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

      Patch 1.03 changed how the CD key is stored in the registry so you'd need to swap its registry entry every time you switched versions. I would install v1.00, make a copy of the game folder and make a .reg file of the CD key (look for 'ergc' in the registry), then patch to 1.41 and make another .reg file. When you want to run v1.00 you load the v1.00 .reg file into the registry and run the BF2.exe in the copy you made.


      • #4
        Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

        OK ... well... Is there any other way ???


        • #5
          Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

          yes you can run 2 patch versions of BF2 on the same PC, i did it when the public beta patch was released.

          Fresh install of BF2, then make a copy of the Battlefield 2 folder in "X:\Program Files\EA GAMES\", leaving it named as "Copy of Battlefield 2" will do fine for now, run the 1.03 patch and it will the folder named Battlefield 2 and patch it,

          now rename the "Battlefield 2" folder to anything you like i dont think it makes any difference, ie for the beta patch mine was "Betafield 2"

          rename the "Copy of Battlefield 2" back to "Battlefield 2" and install the 1.41 Patch.

          Now the Shortcuts on the desktop, delete the play now one

          Copy the Battlefield 2 shortcut and rename so you know its for the patch 1.03, right click properties, the target: & start in: where Battlefield 2 is rename it to what you renamed the Battlefield 2 folder to (part where i named mine betafield 2).

          the original shortcut you can keep the same just rename it to Battlefield 2 Patch 1.41 or similar,,

          i think thats it, its been a while


          • #6
            Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

            OK.. however isn't there a version 1.41 patch... And jdrou said that it changes the registry entries so there might be some collisions... Anyway... I will try what you suggested but not installing the V1.04 in one of the folders


            • #7
              Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

              If you edit the key in the registry and change it to x9392 plus your key, it might work with both 1.00 and 1.03+ without needing to keep changing the registry. (This was a workaround for people who have trouble with BF2 not encoding the key properly or the registry got corrupted somehow.)


              • #8
                Re: Version 1 and Version 1.41

                Thanks ... I will try the easiest first and then I will eventually find a way ... Thanks for all your help...


