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BF2 Needs Collision Detection

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  • BF2 Needs Collision Detection

    Why is it, in this modern day of game development, that a developer cannot include collision detection between players?

    It's not just bad enough that all weapons have absolutely NO STOPPING POWER, but players that normally would not be able to get past you, can simply RUN THROUGH YOU as you fire at them, effectively giving them a chance to live that they normally wouldn't be allowed.

    I think it would open up a whole new avenue of gameplay if players could physically block others (even your own team).

    This is already available in Counterstrike, how come BF2 couldn't manage the same?

  • #2
    Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

    I know its retarded....players legs sticking through walls...players bouncing when next to each other...its balls :s


    • #3
      Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

      not only do they stick through the wall but you can kill them that way

      plus inability to squeeze between trees that are 2ft apart


      • #4
        Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

        Any polygon-based collision detection would be really expensive in terms of cpu power. Well, not necessarily "really expensive", but why waste power on that, when you can focus on more important subjects. BF2 engine is already way too strained to spend even more calculations on some detail like that. Well, i don't know how strained they are, but if servers are running at around 30 tickrate, you know there isn't much power left to spare.

        Some engines (such as HL2) uses simplified physic engines for multiplayer (as in, multiplayer physics aren't the same you experience in single player), and usually dynamic objects just have really simple rectangle drawn around them, and collision is tested versus that.

        Remember, for every static object in game world, all sorts of stuff can be precalculated, collision meshes, lighting, shading, and it's easier to keep track of things, when they're guaranteed to be static. Every dynamic object causes craploads of calculations every single server (and client) frame. While this doesn't directly involve player collisions, it certaintly tells you why it can't be complicated. Usually it's just bounding box, hitbox is usually really a something resembling a lego guy, and that could be considered complicated one.

        Anyway, there's question of gameplay. If your body interacts too much with the game world, (especially if it's large blocky body) you start getting stuck to doorways, corners, potholes, twigs, rocks and whatnot, without necessarily any visual clue. Getting stuck on something when you shouldn't is one of the easiest way to piss a player off, so gameplay is much more fluid when the game is lax about collisions between players and game world.

        Play de_prodigy and rush with 3 guys up that long corridor when there's a barrel sideways blocking it. I'd take no clipping between players over it any day :P

        Also, door blocking is really really annoying.


        • #5
          Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

          there definetly is SOME collision between players, how do you think i push afkers off the carrier:laugh:? I dont see how improving it would really make the game anymore funner. And i definetly dont want any more stress on my system.


          • #6
            Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

            I have noticed some collision between players, for example when running to a flag with your squad, if someone sprints into the back of you they can hurt you.

            I agree with Neptune, it wouldn't add much to my gaming experience and I really don't think my PC could handle the extra stress :cry:.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

              because it would lagg to much and cost too much money. it would also make it hard to go prone in some areas


              • #8
                Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

                They should atleast do something to prevent the wall glitching. I am sad so many times when I'm sniping and either get hit do to it, or see a guy who's feet stick out of a wall.
                However, I refuse to shoot them, because I know moments later I will be called a hacker, and it is cheap.


                • #9
                  Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

                  Its a game. Desertfalcon has it right


                  • #10
                    Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

                    Originally posted by stalker2200 View Post
                    They should atleast do something to prevent the wall glitching. I am sad so many times when I'm sniping and either get hit do to it, or see a guy who's feet stick out of a wall.
                    However, I refuse to shoot them, because I know moments later I will be called a hacker, and it is cheap.
                    i do the same, i try to be as fair as possible, without losing competition. For example, ill never sit my *** down right behind a spawnpoint and wait for them to pop up. the farest ill go is spawnkilling INFRont of him, to give them a chance.

                    But seriously i got nothing in return, so you might as well shoot at other people's feet. If you cant beat em, join em!


                    • #11
                      Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

                      The problem is that the collision box is only the chest area. Legs and arms can poke through walls, the torso can't. For some stupid reason, they made the hitbox coincide with the player model and skin. Then they made the collision box at center mass. This is how you can shoot someone's hands or feet poking through a wall. Hitbox is sticking out, collision makes them unable to walk through walls.


                      • #12
                        Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

                        that would be ideal. but now with current gen engines it would be too straining. im thinking this wont be mainstream until engines like the one crysis uses are the current gen.


                        • #13
                          Re: BF2 Needs Collision Detection

                          Originally posted by markan dorka
                          Any polygon-based collision detection would be really expensive in terms of cpu power. Well, not necessarily "really expensive", but why waste power on that, when you can focus on more important subjects. BF2 engine is already way too strained to spend even more calculations on some detail like that. Well, i don't know how strained they are, but if servers are running at around 30 tickrate, you know there isn't much power left to spare.

                          Some engines (such as HL2) uses simplified physic engines for multiplayer (as in, multiplayer physics aren't the same you experience in single player), and usually dynamic objects just have really simple rectangle drawn around them, and collision is tested versus that.

                          Remember, for every static object in game world, all sorts of stuff can be precalculated, collision meshes, lighting, shading, and it's easier to keep track of things, when they're guaranteed to be static. Every dynamic object causes craploads of calculations every single server (and client) frame. While this doesn't directly involve player collisions, it certaintly tells you why it can't be complicated. Usually it's just bounding box, hitbox is usually really a something resembling a lego guy, and that could be considered complicated one.

                          Anyway, there's question of gameplay. If your body interacts too much with the game world, (especially if it's large blocky body) you start getting stuck to doorways, corners, potholes, twigs, rocks and whatnot, without necessarily any visual clue. Getting stuck on something when you shouldn't is one of the easiest way to piss a player off, so gameplay is much more fluid when the game is lax about collisions between players and game world.

                          Play de_prodigy and rush with 3 guys up that long corridor when there's a barrel sideways blocking it. I'd take no clipping between players over it any day :P

                          Also, door blocking is really really annoying.
                          QFT >.<

