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Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

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  • Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

    So I installed CQB, PR, Dcon and Battleships mod..all worked fine together.

    I play bf2 regularly, and went away for the weekend. came back today to load up CQB....booted me after about a min for error '50012' which is a 'aimbot'...same in Dcon..

    WTF? I have never hacked in my life and nobody has touched my PC or played games...why is BF2 acting all ****ed up now? What did I do to deserve this? :cry:

    Anyone else have an issue like this, where PB starts acting up randomly and without provocation? I guess I can reinstall it all...but thats flippin annoying. Suggestions?

  • #2
    Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

    i dont have any suggestions but, i have pretty much every mod ever released and i get kick occasionally for the same reason.. dunno why?


    • #3
      Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

      If you downloaded them all corectly ther should be no problem. WAs it an admin decision? but yeah its prpbably because some of the mods messed with your files. im just guessing,


      • #4
        Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

        Uninstalled bf2.

        Removed all mod dirs before I did so.

        Reinstalled to a totally differant directory then before.

        Updated to 1.41

        Still same error

        updated punk buster

        same ********

        its a punk buster error. #50012. I DONT have any mods installed and its a fresh install, same error. wtf? has my key been blacklisted or something? I just want to play bf2...someone help.. :cry:


        • #5
          Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

          dude thats bizzare, hah im glad you dont hack
          thats for losers
          and no lifers
          or wait.... there the same!


          • #6
            Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

            I just want to know how to make it go away..submitted a thing to punkbuster etc...

            this JUST started..any ideas guys? conflicts with **** i got running?


            • #7
              Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

              I seriously didn't know that any mods worked with punkbuster...
              I thought it was meant to prevent modifications...


              • #8
                Re: Multiple mods = random new Punkbuster error?

                Originally posted by Cheerio
                I play bf2 regularly, and went away for the weekend. came back today to load up CQB....booted me after about a min for error '50012' which is a 'aimbot'...same in Dcon..
                according to this thread, the 50k series is an aimbot:

                If you already submitted a ticket to evenbalance then I guess you have to wait. there is really nothing more you can do since bans are controlled by evenbalance. :hmm:
                Other than that, maybe google and see if this has ever happened to anyone else.
                "Crunch's First Officer"
                twitter: @signaprime

