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  • Fragtastic

    Nothing But Strike at Karkand and stocks

    Comments please...

    Use a .rar program such as WinRar to open it up

  • #2
    Re: Fragtastic




    -out of proportion
    -pub frags



    • #3
      Re: Fragtastic

      Download link?? Google Video has such a poor video quality. But it started well for you


      • #4
        Re: Fragtastic

        I didnt think anyone would want a download :P Uploading to filefront now


        • #5
          Re: Fragtastic

          Nice job

          Pros: Good music, some nice frags, nice graphics.
          Cons: Strange aspect ratio, don't be afraid to show your deaths


          • #6
            Re: Fragtastic

            Thanks, ill try and do that in the future. Filefront will be done in an hour and 8 minutes


            • #7
              Re: Fragtastic

              I watched it on google videos but its hard to tell what is going on half the time. Might download as well.

              I was suprised at how smooth it looks despite the fact you are running fraps with high settings. What FPS were you getting? What is your setup? I only get 30-45 with low settings.

              Quite a lot of revive whoring but it does show how medic is supposed to be played. Quickly revive anyone that goes down while dispatching any enemy that comes into sight. Nice work.


              • #8
                Re: Fragtastic

                Filefront is up. Forum is going really slow for some reason. I have fraps recording at 30 fps instead of the 29.97 and its really smooth. Also I turned off SLI according to the Fraps tech support it lags you more because it has to transfer video from both cards and record it


                • #9
                  Re: Fragtastic

                  Kinda random. You seem to rely mostly on iron sights. Nice music, though. Simple editing.

                  I'm with Monk, 7/10


                  • #10
                    Re: Fragtastic

                    Thanks for your comments. I'm thinking about doing shotties and snipers next


                    • #11
                      Re: Fragtastic

                      Originally posted by PrototypeJC
                      You seem to rely mostly on iron sights.
                      Really? I use them a lot more than he does, most frag videos I see most people use iron sites a lot less than myself


                      • #12
                        Re: Fragtastic

                        Originally posted by EAGLE_18
                        Really? I use them a lot more than he does, most frag videos I see most people use iron sites a lot less than myself
                        There are A LOT of reasons why. Here's a few.

                        1. Takes up less space, you can generally see more without sights.
                        2. While sighted, you move a lot slower(not just walking, but aiming-wise) staying unsighted helps you stay more aware to your surroundings, and you can't pull off twitchy shots while sighted.
                        3. Sighting up takes time, time in which you could have already aimed and damaged/killed the guy.
                        4. In a game as random as BF2, aiming doesn't take perfection, just point and click and hope for the best.


                        • #13
                          Re: Fragtastic

                          *not using* iron sights let's you see how fast you can shoot single shot, without deviation per shot kicking in. Works wonders for the AK.


                          • #14
                            Re: Fragtastic

                            Flippin heck thats some pwning


                            • #15
                              Re: Fragtastic

                              GREAT MAN! I'm glad to see some1 else who instictively aims for head...!

                              You play great but here are some tips anyway.

                              Don't stand on wall at market, you are the prettiest target.

                              Reload once your pass 10 bullets left in mag.

                              I love that you reload before getting better health, bullets are more important.

